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    • 4 Week Update The Grafts in the recipient area really decided to dip out over the last week. There’s just a few left at this point. Only single hair grafts as far as I can tell. Also quite a few grafts that seem to have broken off and there’s almost like stubble on my scalp. Not sure what’s up with that. The donor seems good. It doesn’t really look that thin now unless there is bright light. 
    • I watch his show botched, and he constantly talks about possible complications for things like botox and BBLs. But HTs worst that can happen is it doesn’t grow 🤦🏻‍♂️ 
    • Hi all.  I have very grateful to this forum providing me with direction and guidance the past few months.  I am a 40 year NW 6 and thinking of going with Dr. Bansal/eugenixs based on some the great reviews here. I am from the United States, but results from her have impressed me the most in high norwood cases, something I have not seen from the U.S. doctors.  My biggest concern is that Dr. Bansal previously did all the extractions, but now she only does the slits and the technicians do the extractions and implants. Overall, seems less involved with the procedure as they have become more popular, but I did receive assurances that she would be involved (checks 3-4x a day for 10 minutes etc) How important is it that the doctor is involved with extractions and implants? I understand the Eugenixs techs are excellent and that for me to get 4-5k grafts in one sitting requires a team, but just not sure how important doctor involvement is on these steps.  Am I making the right decision going with her?      
    • As the title states, I'm on oral Min (5mg/day) and oral Dut (.5mg/day) since May 2023 and am still losing ground.  Hair continues miniaturize, fall out, and becomes noticeably thinner as the weeks/months pass.  My hair got thicker initially on both products but after a year, continues to fall out.  Although I have no side effects, I'm not seeing any positive results so I'm considering any of the following (below) but would love to get valuable input before I make any changes.  Should I switch to any of the following?  Oral brand name Propecia (brand Dut too expensive) 6 days/week, continue oral Minoxidil 5mg, continue oral Dut 1 day/week? Topical Finasteride (with Tretinoin), continue oral Minoxidil 5mg, add micro-needling? Topical Finasteride (with Tretinoin), switch to topical Minoxidil (either combined with Hims/Keeps, or separate with Rogaine), add micro-needling? Low dose oral Finasteride, low dose oral Minoxidil (mornings) AND low dose topical Finasteride and low dose topical Minoxidil (evenings)? History….From 2013-2020, I was on generic oral Fin (1mg/day) and topical Min (5% foam once/day), which really helped me stabilize my hair.  I had  decrease in libido during that time but it was manageable so I pushed through.  I lost my frontal hair at age 18 so haven't had a hairline in over 25 years but everything else remained relatively thick.  End of 2020, after a bout with Covid, I began to lose ground quickly with no other changes to diet, medication, exercise, etc. I continued Fin/Min until late 2022 when I switched to my current protocol as the hair loss never stopped.  Ironically I felt my libido come back on generic Dutasteride.  I get my bloodwork done every 6 months and have shored up any gaps and everything in normal range.  My DHT is low at only 7.  So as my post states, I'm considering to switching to either brand name oral Propecia (oral) or topical formulation (For Minoxidil, I could also do oral or topical).  Have you heard of someone not responding to oral Finasteride but responding well to topical?  Is it possible that although my serum DHT is really low, that my scalp DHT isn't responding to the oral products?  I really don't want to initiate a shed unless I feel its going to only return (currently hair "sheds" but hasn'tt returned for 1 year and counting).  Or should I simply go back to brand name Propecia to have best chance of maintaining existing hair?  I'd love any input, thank you.
    • Thanks for the response. Do you have any suggestions for which doctors might be good at this kind of thing? I live in NYC and looked up the three recommended doctors here but can't find any examples like this - the patient galleries are all standard HT's where they load up the hairline with scalp hair then grow it to medium length to give illusion of volume. If you remember where you saw any of those several month post-HT buzzed pics I would love to see them too, all the threads I've looked at have medium-length hair like the patient galleries. 
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