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3000 FUT-T with Dr. Cam Simmons



Hey everyone,

Just thought I would start a blog as I’m planning a hair transplant surgery for Nov 3, 2012 and would like to document the process for others wishing to have the procedure.

For me it has been a 2-year struggle trying to figure out if the procedure was right for me. As I’m only 31 there is a very strong possibility I will be dishing out more money in the future for a second or third procedure as my hair recedes. For this I decided on a conservative first procedure.

The hair on the tope of my scalp is thinning and receding and I wanted to get the surgery before it’s completely gone. After doing research and chatting with other patients I hade elected Dr. Cam Simmons for my surgery of 3000 FUT-T grafts.

The plan will be to transplant the 3000 grafts all over my thinning area and leaving the crown as is. After my genetic hair has fallen out of this area we estimate that the transplanted hairs will restore my hair to what it looks like now before the procedure. Although it will still look like thinning hair its something I can live with.

These are pictures taken at Dr. Simmons office at the beginning of 2011 so my hair has thinned a bit more since then.

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