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4023 grafts FUT Dr Ron Shapiro SMG - Oct 20th 2014



Hi Folks,

I sincerely appreciate & thanks HairRestorationNetwork for all the guidance & support. The best feeling in the world is knowing that you finally took a step in the right direction, a step towards a better future.

I am excited, positive & hoping for this best after this procedure.

BIG thanks to all the fellow members for their support & help especially Matt1978, Spanker, Janna & Hariri.

I just reached hotel after a mega session with Dr Ron Shapiro.

After almost 1 year of extensive reseach I decided to go ahead with Dr Ron Shapiro of SMG.

Matt Zupan was great during the consultation & answered all my questions.

We planned for 4500 grafts via FUT however we were able to just extract 4040 for this session. I was little disappointed with this. However I really hope 4040 grafts will give me solid base & the transformation I am looking towards.

I drove from Chicago to Bloomington MN for the procedure (that's where SMG is located).

I reached at 8 AM local time. They started taking my pre op pics. After that I spent around 30 mins with Dr Ron Shapiro to discuss the action plan. After taking to him I was pretty certain that I am in safe hands.

Right after session with Dr. Shapiro, the staff immediately came into action as this was a mega session.

They took my blood pressure & then strip was extracted. I had to lay down on my stomach for about 30 mins during this procedure.

Once the strip was extracted I saw technicians working towards grafts extraction.

Then doc Spairo started incursions. e created the hairline which was discussed during the acton plan.

PICS are coming soon. I PROMISE.

I just wanted to start this blog just track down the progress of my HT. I will write my experince in detail soon.

Right now I am too tired after that mega procedure.

Many thanks to Dr Shapiro & the staff for taking caring of everything so professionally & nicely. I appreciate it from bottom of my heart.





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  • Senior Member

Hi Sunny - I had a 3988 graft FUT session with Dr. Ron's brother, Dr. Paul, on 10/17/2014. Feel free to read my posts and also let me know how you are doing. I also drove to SMG from the Chicago area for my procedure, as I read and heard so many good things about the Shapiros and the staff at SMG after literally years of research and considering a procedure. I was in the chair for 11+ hours on a Friday (finished past 8:00 pm!), and I was thrilled at their commitment and professionalism.


Now the long waiting period begins, but I am healing well and that is a good step 1. I hope you are healing well also.


Take care.

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  • Senior Member

Congratulations! Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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