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About HairUpThere

  • Birthday 08/09/1987

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HairUpThere's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. hey thin u had a procedure with the doc in houston! i think it will look great but would u recomend him 4 me a first timer? Is he good? did u do ur research on him? Is his staff good and professional? Experience?
  2. hey doc i have seen ur work and i believe u r a top of the rung hair doc!!!!!
  3. he says that his nurses do the work! Is that common in all the doctors? Just so u understand i saw that his techs do the site creation? Is that true with all the docs?
  4. Does anyone knows the doctor that does great work in houston?
  5. Does anyone knows the doctor that does great work in houston?
  6. looks like its gonna give you great results! Is this your first transplant?
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