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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I have had a few patients that had prolonged numbness after the first procedure and regained normal sensation within 24 hrs after the second surgery. I have also had a few patients with no numbness after the first procedure and prolonged numbness after the second surgery.
  2. This is relatively common. The procedure does cause transection of many sensory nerve fibers on the scalps surface. In most cases they do regenerate and bring back normal sensation. I have seen this take a year or more in some patients.
  3. If you can provide really good photos of the donor area that would help the physician to better estimate your donor density and allow for a higher quality recommendation.
  4. At 7 days post-op you can start going under the shower and get more aggressive with the hair washing. This should help your situation. It would be very unlikely for any grafts to come out at this point.
  5. At 12-15 months post-op there would likely have been some growth of any newly transplanted hairs or shocked hairs that would have been avoided during your second procedure if done properly.
  6. What city in South Africa are you living closest to?
  7. Once the new hairs start growing they should go through the same growth cycles as the existing native hairs but just at different intervals.
  8. This 40 year old patient had 3000 Follicular Unit Grafts transplanted to his frontal and vertex areas in one session. Patient was thrilled with his result .
  9. It could lead to a cyst or area of irritation/inflammation, but not always.
  10. Sometimes scar tissue forms above the hair follicle and does not allow the hair to come to surface of scalp. There can also be damage to the follicle during the procedure which could also be the reason why hair would not grow in that part of the Trichophytic closure.
  11. Unfortunately, no one can tell you how far your hair loss is going to progress. I can tell you for sure that your hair loss situation is not going to spontaneously get improve on its own. You can take a good look at your family history and try to get an idea, but often it is a product of a combination from both sides of the family which makes it very hard to predict.
  12. Shock loss in the donor area is much less common than shock loss in the recipient area. It would be more noticeable with the FUT/strip procedure compared to the FUE method. This is because with the FUE procedure all the hair is trimmed very short so shock loss would not be not as visible.
  13. It is always possible for a patient to have additional hair loss with aging and Male Pattern Balding after having had a hair transplant procedure. It generally occurs gradually over time which would give you time to decide if the having another procedure is necessary.
  14. Propecia has never been proven to prevent shock loss following a hair restoration procedure. Previously transplanted hairs tend not to shock a s easily as a weak original hair, but if they do fall out it would be temporary. Go Red Wings! and Tigers!
  15. It is hard to judge a Achilles tendon surgery because in that area scars generally do not come out great. The scar on your arm does not look like a keloid type scar. The scalp can have different healing properties compared to the body. It is very possible that you could have a very fine scar if the correct technique is used and the wound is closed under minimal tension.
  16. It would coil up and create a small cyst which could be drained and removed.
  17. It is not common to use both but I have seen some cases of that. Even if doctors use different methods for the procedure the results can be very similar.
  18. If you are clearly noticing some thinning in the donor area just above or below where the grafts were taken from then this is probably shock loss. It is not very common in the donor area, but does happen on occasion. In the few cases I have seen the situation resolved itself with time.
  19. In most cases if a grafts is dislodged and falls out there will be bleeding from the site. Hard to lose a graft without bleeding. You had sutures and staples?
  20. In most cases if you going to experience any side effects it would occur in the first month. In the few patients I have had that felt they got negative side effects all returned to normal shortly after discontinuing the medication.
  21. Yes, this patient is planning on returning for another procedure to add density to the previously transplanted areas.
  22. This 36 year old patient had 2000 Follicular Unit Grafts transplanted to his frontal area in one session. These photos are showing his 11 months post-op. Patient is very happy with his result.
  23. I recommend to patients to wait 7-10 days before using Minoxidil and to use the foam which does not have most of the harmful ingredients.
  24. The more grafts you place in an area that has existing hairs will likely have a higher percentage of shock loss. Only the sick/ unhealthy hairs would be lost permanently. Healthy hairs that get shocked should grow back. Shock loss is relatively rare in the donor area.
  25. A scar width of 1-2 mm is what we are shooting for. However, everyone had different healing properties. Surface tension at the upper and lower wound margins is the major factor that determines how a scar turns out. There is usually more tension when having a second or third procedure even when trying to remove as much of the prior scar as possible.
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