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Forrest Gump

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Posts posted by Forrest Gump

  1. James_1986, you mentioned about what you heard from H&W. How about Dr Feller? Did you hear back from his office?


    See what Dr Feller has to say. You might also want to sent a private message to Spex (who works for the Feller clinic) through this forum. Who knows, perhaps in the near future, Dr Feller might be able to give you a very conservative hairline. Doesn't hurt to ask him.


    In the meantime, you might also want to get started on Minox and Propecia.

  2. I like the results that are consistently turned out by the Shapiro clinic. However, I have also seen some impressive work from Konior and Panine.


    So IMO, you can't go wrong with any of these doctors. You might want to carefully go through detailed pictures (pre and post-op) of these doctors' patients and then see whose style you like the most. (I myself used a similar criteria when I chose my HT surgeon).

  3. Originally posted by Megatron:

    I just wanted to thank Dr. Humayun for great info and being completely open. The one thing I think is a little odd about this site is that some patients / onlookers think they know just as much as the doctors that post here. I'm not referring to you guys who posted in this thread, but just in general.


    In my few months of research I've drawn some conclusions myself on various HT topics. But, I'm not performing HTs or talking/evaluating patients everyday. Therefore, I wouldn't even dare try to contradict what a doctor has kindly dislosed for our information purposes.


    The great thing for us is we have the right to choose. If you feel more comfortable with one doctor's methods as opposed to anothers then you need not worry how other doctors in other countries perform their work.


    just my 2 cents


    Megatron, you make some sweeping statements here. I personally actually think that it is very important to ask and raise questions about doctors' methods and standards. In fact, holding doctors to the highest standards acts as the best check for optimal results.


    By the way, I can remember instances where a doctor was contradicted or corrected by posters on this forum (such as Bill, Thana, B Spot, etc.).


    Overall, things should be kept balanced and fair, without taking sides. If a doctor is employing questionable techniques or turning out sub-optimal results, s/he should be held accountable (and asked questions), just like if a doctor is turning out superb results, s/he should be applauded and his/her work appreciated.

  4. Dr Mohmand, thanks for your response.


    You make a very interesting comment: "Mills of North American are also in every part of world but not all mills are of poor quality. Some can do good job with reproducible results."


    I used to always believe that HT mills almost always produce low quality results... but your comment makes me pause and think about this. Perhaps you are correct in that not all HT mills are of poor quality and some can do a good job.


    This definitely influences my outlook about HT mills, and in a positive way. Thanks for the comments!

  5. Dr Mohmand, thanks for the detailed response.


    It seems that HT surgeries are apparently done in a totally different manner in some other parts of the world than it is in North America. I don't think any North American doctor will have multiple parallel surgery theaters running at the same time, with 3 to 4 patients a day. I guess it also depends on the doctor's time management issues.

  6. Very informative thread (Romeono1, thanks for starting it) and very good information provided by Bill, Dr Meshkin, Jason, and Janna.


    Dr Mohmand, you mentioned that you divide your team into 4 theaters. Does this mean that you have 4 parallel surgeries going on every day? (Btw, I have asked you a similar question on another thread also.) I am curious to know if HT surgery practice is different in other parts of the world... since to the best of my knowledge, reputed doctors in North America do only 1 or at the most 2 surgeries in a day (of course, the "non-reputed" HT mills in North America do more than that in a day).

  7. Dr Mohmand, thanks for a detailed post (which was informative by the way). I have two quick questions based on what you wrote.


    (1) You said that you perform 3 surgeries a day? In your opinion, does it not affect the quality of HT surgeries if a surgeon is doing 3 surgeries every day? (I am curious because I think reputed North American surgeons do 1 or 2 surgeries a day, except of course the HT mills.)


    (2) You mentioned that you do not agree with certain rules of this community (but nevertheless respect and adopt those rules). Can you please elaborate what these rules of this community might be? (Again, I am curious about the alternative perspective.)


    Again, thanks for an informative and detailed post.

  8. Romeono1, you should be 100% and comfortable with your choice of HT surgeon before you commit to a surgery. If received negative feedback from actual patients of the doctor, then you might want to step back, and think through this. Perhaps you should talk to the doctor directly and ask him to address your concerns. Another option might be for you to expand the consideration set of doctors that you might want to consider for your surgery.


    HT is a BIG deal and a very important decision to make - it practically can determine how you look like for the rest of your life (positive or negative). A successful HT surgery can improve your life and an unsuccessful HT surgery can make your life miserable. So think and research carefully... and again, be 100% sure and comfortable before you commit to a surgery.

  9. Romeone1, actually we CANNOT verify about the credentials/quality of the technicians since we do NOT have much data about them. However, the assumption is that if the doctor is reputed, they'll properly screen the technicians for quality work.


    I don't know about doctors in other countries, but I believe most of the reputed doctors in North America have a permanent team of technicians, instead of relying on temporary rotating ones.

  10. In my experience (and also from what I heard from a friend), surprisingly, Canadian security was more rigid, and the US officials showed more leniency.


    One Canadian official took me aside and searched my bag for almost 15 minutes apparently as part of a "random" search.


    In contrast, when I approached the US officials, I told them that I was wearing a bandana because I had a surgery... and I can take off the bandana if they wanted me to. The officer was nice and told me that I do NOT need to take off my bandana. He just asked me what type of surgery.


    So to answer your question, if you're visiting Dr Feller, I don't think you'll have any trouble flying in or out of the US as long as you don't have anything metal on you that can trigger the metal detectors.

  11. Softwareguy, if you're staying at the Adam's Inn, they have refrigerators in each room, and a microwave in the lobby... so if you want, you can stock up on food the day before. There is a supermarket that is about a 10-min walk from Adams. They sell sandwiches and other food items. There are also a few restaurants that are walking distance from Adams. Also, if you're having a 4000-graft surgery, you are unlikely to be able to walk around on the evening/night of the surgery... plan accordingly... however, for dinner, Dr Rahal's staff is likely to give you a boxed meal.


    Good luck!

  12. Originally posted by spex:

    Approx 50/60% on the way to full effect - be patient.Grow well! icon_cool.gif


    Spex, is that really the case with most patients? From pics that I have seen on this forum, I get the feeling that most patients get 90% or so of the cosmetic change by month 8. Most patients get very little visual improvement after the 8th month (of course there are some exceptions).


    I hope I am wrong and you are correct. Can you (and others) weigh in on this?

  13. Kris, looks like shock loss. Hopefully, this is temporary shock loss, and in that case, you'll get back your hair in that region soon. In any case, you should contact your doctor just to be sure.


    Btw, I also had a little bit of shock loss in the donor region (altough no where close to yours in terms of severity), but it stabilized within a few weeks, and I actually had hair growing there soon after.

  14. Interestingly, a 3+ year old thread has been revived.


    I was once contemplating a surgery with Dr Khanna after one of my acquaintances did his surgery with Khanna. I changed my mind after seeing the results of this guy - he looked horrible. In fact, he looked better pre-op than post-op.


    I also visited Dr Khanna's website, and I agree with B-Spot. Dr Manoj Khanna is a breast implant surgeon who also does HT surgery. Btw, the HT surgery pictures are blurred and there's a strong see-through effect. The breast implant pictures are clearer but the results are sub-optimal (nipples in different directions, etc.). I would stay away from this doctor as he is below average for both HT as well as breast implants.

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