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Forrest Gump

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Posts posted by Forrest Gump

  1. Creative, from the pictures that you posted, it seems you need more than 5000 grafts. I am not sure if any doctor will be willing to do an FUE for 5000 grafts; you would need several rounds of surgeries. An FUT on the other hand, can give you 5,000 grafts possibly in 1 seating, or at the most in 2 seatings.


    Also, even if you keep your hair reasonably short, the FUT scare, from a good surgery outcome, won't be visible. Of course, if you prefer a buzz cut (or almost shaved down look), then obviously, the scar would be visible.

  2. BigAllan,


    I had some "interesting" side effects after taking Propecia, and mine were totally different from what others experience.


    My sex drive actually went up after I started taking Propecia. I once had a thread about that, and I think Dr. Lindsay had an interesting explanation for this phenomenon. In fact, the first few weeks after I first started taking Propecia, my sex drive was insatiable, and I wasn't complaining btw icon_smile.gif


    My other side effect were the occasional hot flashes. I did a google search, and apparently hot flashes in men can be due to fluctuations in testosterone level. Since Propecia affects the testosterone level, this outcome sounds feasible.


    Now, I take Propecia at intervals - e.g., once every 2 days and sometimes once every 3 days. My hot flashes are now gone, but I think I have increased sex drives on the days I take Propecia (don't know if it's a placebo effect though).

  3. My main discomfort was while sleeping. It was pretty bad for the first couple of weeks and somewhat bad for an additional couple of weeks. About 2 months post-op, I was sleeping almost normal with hardly any discomfort.


    For regular (non-sleep related) activities, it was bad for the first couple of days. In fact, the first night of the surgery was very bad for me; I was nauseated and dizzy. After 3 or 4 days, I was almost able to do regular stuff without too much discomfort. However, the discomfort during sleeping persisted for a few weeks, as I mentioned above.

  4. Originally posted by danoush:

    2- You had two opportunities already. So , I regret to say that I do not agree to what you are saying. you already had your chance TWICE.


    As you know and as you can see from the pictures, I even look worse than what I was before the HT... The procedure you have done, however, does not worth a penny to me.


    I have to go with danoush here. He definitely looks horrible. I don't know if the unfortunate results are due to any physiological flaws in his system or if it is due to inefficient surgical procedures, but the final results suck.

  5. Cole, first of all, you have acted like a perfect gentleman and shown exemplary temperament in handling this horrible outcome.


    Although you might have asked for a lower hairline, the doctor, being the bigger expert in the room, should not have gone for it, with the specified amounts of grafts. For example, when I went for my HT, I asked my doctor to lower my hairline, but he did some facial measurments and told me that a lower hairline won't suit my face. So he turned down my suggestion for a lower hairline.


    I hope you get this resolved positively, because right now, it looks pretty messed up. Not only is the transplanted area bad, the donor area is worse.

  6. Disappointed, there are 2 Shapiro brothers - Ron and Paul. From the postings on this forum, I think Dr Ron is the more famous one, but Dr Paul also does solid work.


    Several doctors do 4000 graft sessions these days. I personally like the hairline designs of Drs Shapiro, Rahal, and Feller, in no particular order. If you're looking for a big megasession (of say 5000 grafts or more), then Drs. Hasson and Wong are ahead of others.

  7. From the comments that I have seen on this forum, it seems HairClub and Bosley are pretty bad. However, I have no personal experience with either of these.


    In southern California, I have heard the names of Meshkin, Reed, Ross, Rassman, and Carman. There might be a few others. Do a search on these names on this forum, and see if you like their work. You can also search for other doctors in southern California.

  8. Bleachcola, good points. I faced a similar dilemma. I spent months deliberating if I am making the right choice spending so much money just to have a fuller head of hair. Depending on the amount of grafts you need, it can usually cost anything from $4000 to $25000.


    That's a lot of money for anyone. Hence, it is important to do a lot of research before committing to a HT surgery.


    Btw, right now, I am very happy that I went through the HT. I look a lot younger now than I did over a year ago. I am 35 yrs old, and recently, I have had really young ladies (around 20 yrs of age or so) glancing at me, making eye contact, and even smiling... something that hasn't happened since I graduated from college 10+ years ago. So right now, I don't feel that bad about having spent all that money. However, who knows how I'll feel in 10 yrs from now. So think through this very carefully and do your research well.

  9. Baldingbum, if I were you, I would prioritize on paying off my current outstanding debts before I even think about adding more debt through an optional cosmetic surgery like HT surgery.


    Once you pay off your current debt on the Citibank card, it'll be easier to get approved for a new card. Moreover, many new cards have 0% interest rates (for 6 months, 12 months, etc.) on balance transfers.


    So it's in your best interest to pay off the current balance before adding new debt. My 2 cents...

  10. Unclebenjie, I recall seeing posts from some of Dr Mahadevia's patients. Some of them seem very happy with the outcomes, while a couple are not.


    Do a search on these forums for Dr Mahadevia, and you'll see what these patients have to say. I think I saw recent posts from someone with the name of saifuddin (spelling incorrect?) who seems very happy with this HT with Dr. Mahadevia. Send him a private message and he can give you his first hand experience with Dr Mahadevia.


    Good luck!

  11. For the doctor, there are better ways to handle this than send "unprofessional" emails.


    Danoush, I don't see this as blackmail. If after paying for 4000 grafts, you apparently had a growth of a mere 200 grafts, you have reasons to be upset. So far, from what you've posted on this forum, I don't see anything remotely related to blackmailing.

  12. Originally posted by Speegs:

    Well that would be nice, i meant if FUE and fallen down to 5 dollars a graft with a reputable doctor or FUT to 3 dollars a graft.


    Things that would make the procedure more accessible for both patient and doctor in this economic downturn.


    Speegs, a reputed doctor (Shapiro) already offers FUE for $5 per graft, and I believe he has been doing so for a while. There are also a few coalition doctors who offer $3 per graft for FUT. Do a search on the doctors to see which ones do.

  13. I'll second what hair_me_out said, and would also add that you might want to start using Rogaine also.


    See if these stabilize your hairloss. Your hairline looks decent right now, but if you want to lower your hairline (for whatever reason), you can consider a HT surgery in the future. However, for the time being, I think Propecia and Rogaine should be quite helpful, and if you're lucky, you might not need a HT surgery ever.


    Good luck!

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