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Forrest Gump

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Everything posted by Forrest Gump

  1. I have seen decent work from Doctors Ross, Reed, and Carmen. All these 3 doctors are based in San Diego. Good luck!
  2. Looks nice! You've had a very significant cosmetic change! Congratulations!
  3. I agree with B Spot. I am not aware of any reliable doctors in the NH area. If you are looking for geographical proximity, your best options are in New York. There are quite a few reputed docs in NY.
  4. Looks like shock loss. Hopefully, it's temporary, and you'll get it back in a few months.
  5. Very nicely written. Wow! So you had two coalition doctors (Feller and Rahal) jointly working on you! I envy you Should lead to a nice head of hair for you in a few months.
  6. That's the way strip HT surgery is done everywhere. They take a strip from the back (can extend to the sides) of your head, and then they suture the area. Sounds like you had a similar procedure.
  7. tw5, as mmhce said, it might help to post some pictures. Consult with several reputed doctors to get a diverse set of opinions. Also, a few docs are successfully able to transplant body hair to the scalp (there was a recent posting where someone "extracted" hair from the chest and armpits to transplant to the scalp). So if you're constrained by scalp donor hair, body hair might be a suitable alternative. Good luck!
  8. It varies from doctor to doctor. While some docs prefer to shave down, others don't, and I have seen excellent (and some sub-par) results from both types. So I don't think there are any hard and fast rules, and it might depend on the particular doctor's style/preference.
  9. Very nice, especially with only 2300 grafts over quite a bit of area.
  10. While we're on this topic of shedding, does anyone know the time frame for shedding? That is, what is the maximum time period after the HT that shedding can occur? Has anyone have had shedding in their fifth weeks, etc.? Also, the grafts (if any) that do not shed during the maximum period - do they keep on growing normally?
  11. Yep, people from southern California are more concerned about their looks. Same thing also goes for those in NYC (Manhattan).
  12. I personally wouldn't put anything on my grafts 3 days post-HT. You might also want to check with your doc if playing tennis 3 days post-HT is fine.
  13. That's an interesting point raised by aaron. I had no idea that propecia can prevent permanent shock loss. That's an interesting thought. Perhaps doctors or technicians or more experienced patients can chime in on this.
  14. I use it in the front only (that's where I had the hair thinning). Who knows if Rogaine actually slowed down the loss, but it does give me the psychological satisfaction of doing something for my front hair.
  15. freakin, thanks for the additional pictures. As others have pointed out, if you contact Rahal's office, I am confident that they'll take care of the problem. Good luck!
  16. Sorry to hear about your shock loss. Do you have any clearer before/after pictures? Hopefully, you'll be able to remedy the situation soon. Good luck!
  17. Yes, after the HT surgery, if you ever shave your head, then your scar would be clearly visible, no matter how good the HT doctor might have been.
  18. 2700 grafts would be a very conservative estimate if you're doing both the hairline as well as the crown. I am thinking you might need a bit more for the entire crown as well as hairline. Good luck!
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