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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Just curious did this Dr. William Yates from Chicago Bosley by any chance work in the Maryland/Baltimore region in the past for them?
  2. congrats, surely would like to see those results if you do not mind. I do wish you the best of luck with the surgery and success, and not to discourage you but I once thought about going to them. Maybe they changed completely, I dont know, but after I saw one big scar my uncle had that they caused, they told him they'll fix it for a cheaper price and they end up giving him another big scar on the back, so he basically has two, and he can never shave his head under a clip 6 if they have one. It totally freaked me out and that's why I the debate between strip and fue lingers time to time in my head. my uncle is literally scarred in the back and scarred mentally because everyone and their mothers asks him what happened to the back of his head and he says its a water skiiing accident. They did him dirty, big time. Hopefully they used a very good closure technique and from what you described it seemed they did a good job.
  3. I had no idea why i was getting so many email alerts and messages from people that wanted to meet me and contact me at their email address, now i know why. It was irritating as I thought it was from actual forum members so I kept logging in to see who sent me a message only to see someone wanted me overseas.
  4. Was this a Trichophytic Closure technique? Hopefully it turns out well for you. I plan on having a transplant but debating on what to do, fue or strip. I was shifting more towards fue due to a possible showing scar. Please keep up posted with your progress. So, if you decide to have strip the lowest clip you are able to use is a clip 4? Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
  5. Blake, Thank you for that information. I did check out Dr. Rassman's response regarding this. Maybe what he is saying is accurate. It could be I am just getting my hopes up. I just hope it is studied further. Even though the follicles last for a year as reported, previously tissues would last for only a few weeks. In the other article it said "According to the study, when these cells were transplanted into developing skin, they were able to maintain skin and hair for more than a year. The experimental follicles outperformed naturally-produced hair follicle stem cells, which are only able to heal and repair skin for three weeks." So hopefully, this is a big step and they continue to research this. It just could be a breakthrough but who knows? We have been hearing positive news about hair regeneration or cloning, but then again they are still in trials for a while now. But lets see what happens, I'll continue to check and see if they come up with anything.
  6. Hi Qasim, your hair does look good. In my own opinion, I would say there is no need for transplantation at the moment. Maybe sticking to finisteride or rogaine would keep it from receding. Use 1mg of finisteride instead of .5mg. Are you using rogaine foam or the solution? At what percentage? Maybe you can even add Nizoral shampoo to your list? Your hair also looks thick in those pics. I would not worry too much man. Worrying alone adds to stress that adds to the effects of stress which could be hair loss. A good nights sleep, meals, and the proper dosage of what you take could do the trick to prevent it at this time. good luck
  7. Indeed, that is clean. How many grafts is that?
  8. 2886 grafts and that is the result? That right there, is an amazing before and after transformation. The result is pretty good.
  9. Hello everyone, I was reading some articles and came across a very interesting one posted in the "Irish Times" regarding a cure for baldness. It was dated August 19, 2010. Basically, what it mentioned was that researchers working with stem cell technology unexpectedly came up with a cure for baldness possibly. They were able to change one specific cell to a different cell, during that process they came up with skin cells complete with working hair follicles. Now keep in mind that they were not looking to treat baldness when they were experimenting. They actually wanted to see how stem cells from thymus would perform if transplanting into growing skin for burn victims. The research team who discovered this are from Switzerland and Scotland. Details of the team’s findings were published in the journal Nature. Along with hair regeneration or cloning, I find this news exciting. What do you think? It could be a major discovery. :eek: Here are two articles that talk about this below: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2010/0819/1224277150771.html http://finance.yahoo.com/news/EHSI-New-StemCell-Study-an-bw-2763166264.html?x=0&.v=1
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