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Posts posted by YouOnlyLiveOnce

  1. Hair looks great! It would be nice to see some pre-op with longer hair to get a real idea of the impact. That said, what does it mean to 'need' a hair transplant? You can see the miniaturization/thinning at the hairline in the before pics. If this small number a grafts allows this guy to escape the torment and live his life without worrying about hair loss, then he needed this transplant.

  2. It's really hard to say from the photos. I definitely see a receding hairline, but the front appears to be quite dense. If you want to get the best possible feedback, Id take photo's from all angles and post them. At 24, I think you're hanging in there pretty good, even if it is MPB. Are any of your immediate relatives experiencing hair loss?

  3. Solid improvement, man. With the area covered and only 4600 grafts used, it looks like a solid transformation.


    Clearly you cannot go on with your daily life not worrying about your hair, but it must feel like a million times better to at least have the option with some styles. I noticed that most of Koray patients that have diaries going have the same unnatural, wiry, darker looking, transplanted hairs. I wonder if it's some thing he does and how much it will improve as time passes.

  4. I've met with 4 HT Docs and he is by far the most humble/honest in my opinion. I saw him AFTER I had a transplant elsewhere and he still offered a free consult and spent more than an hour with me. More importantly, I really feel he has the patience's best interest in mind with long term planning.


    It's your life, your head, your hair, but it would be a mistake to not at least consult with him.

  5. Maybe 10 years ago but not in 2017.


    We can disagree on that all day. This site seems to be 50/50 on which is best. I don't like the thought of a big ass scar on the back of my head. I've noticed guys who have already had a strip procedure and are stuck with that scar are really quick to talk shit on fue. Seems like some jealousy to me. Regrets at getting a out of date barbaric procedure. :)


    Both procedures in the right hands produce great results so do what you want.


    This is simply not true. FUE has come a LONG way, but the science behind the two is enough to logically understand why one is better than the other.

  6. I had surgery with Hasson and I'd rate my experience at a 7.5/10. Couple things rubbed me the wrong way, but nothing too serious. One thing you can try for is a last minute cancellation appointment. I did this and had close to 3k grafts transplanted for under 10k and they even paid for the hotel.


    I've also met and consulted with Gabel. He will give you the most honest and best options and he's very fair. If I could reverse time, I might have gone with him instead.

  7. I think their criticism is warranted. Your video was added during the edit and that came after mosd had replied.


    Your transformation can't be denied. Dr. Umar always has these extreme cases and usually works magic. The density isn't always there, but its usually consistent from front to back, which I think makes the world of difference. I'd suggest making your own sea salt spray which will add serious volume to your hair, then using a matte paste and hairspray. I think the combination of all of that will tame the poofiness a bit.


    Curious, what does a transformation like this cost?

  8. Not sure what triggered the debate feeling reply...


    My goal was to try and conceal my surgery and I believe I accomplished that. What you look like in the mirror, under the most perfect angles/hair placement and lighting certainly isn't what you look like out in the real world. I did business with a guy that used fibers to bulk up his hair and by mid day things were completely obvious. Felt really bad for him but didn't have the heart break it to him. I posed the question above and depending on his response I was going to suggest a hat or something to completely cover the head is the only real way to go undetected.

  9. I would leave it. If you have it cut out and re-sutured you run the risk of damaging grafts that you'll likely need in the future. Right now its at it its worst. Eventually the color would fade into a more flesh colored tone and unless you wear your hair super short, it probably won't be noticeable.. In a year if it's too problematic, have it cut out/repaired, otherwise deal with it in a future surgery.

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