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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. GSK are currently doing a 12 month phase 3 avodart trial using 0.5mg ED. So it could be released in 2015/16 for baldness. Im nearly 8 months in of 0.5mg of avodart ED and have seen no regrowth.


    Is this true?? Ive looked for it but can't find it…I thought GSK called the studies off for some unknown reason.

  2. Congrats CD! Newhair, welcome back buddy! Hope all is well. Would love to see some pics of your new mane....


    Its amazing how you get away from the board after great results…Im going through a phase now of kinda growing my hair out. I really can't believe the results…Thx Hairthere!:)

  3. Hey guys…I know its been a while since Ive been on here. Just reading and catching up..all going well in my world..Probably have to go back and see Dr Rahal in about 5 years but right now all is good!

    What happened to Dr Limmer? I noticed he's gone..I know when I went to him for a consult he wasn't doing megaseesions and that was one of the criteria for coalition but it appears as if he's not even recommended anymore..Just curious..

  4. Hey guys,

    I know its been a LONG while since Ive been on here...My results are amazing..I honestly cant believe how well the results came out. All props to Dr Rahal.

    No pics, pretty much the same as a year, however I honestly go get my hair cut every two weeks because if I dont it looks like I have to much hair. When I keep it real short, it looks like Im just slightly thinning guy in his early 40s...:)

  5. Looks great on your profile. I see you had a HT at 19!!


    You don't have to name him but is the doctor still in business?


    No, hes retired...Im just very fortunate that Ive kept a lot of my native hair for the last 19 years....

    I wouldve thought I would have been completely bald by now...slow hair loss has been great to me! Thank you God!

  6. IMHO...most of the results look pretty good..they look natural, with the exception of the 2500 graft case...something just looks awkward to me on that one...Also, the only thing that concerns me is that out of ALL the results Dr Vories posted, and Im sure he probably posted his best, I can say that I wouldn't consider one of them a " true home run " that we've been accustomed to seeing..again, thats my opinion...

  7. I know you guys have not heard from me in a while, just thought Id give yall an update, sorry no pics, results are great..

    Just wanted to say Dr Rahal called me last week just to see how I was doing at 15 months post op...dont know where he found the time to do that, BUT I think that speaks volumes for his ethics and character...thats it...thanks!:)

  8. Raphael-


    Early grower--you must be loving it. And the fun for you is only beginning. I remember the 5-7 month mark and the amount of growth during this time is phenomenal. You will look at yourself in the mirror and be astonished every day!!!


    Great blog and keeping everyone updated. I re-lived the days of crusts, shedding, gaps of hair by the scar, PIMPLES, and the dreaded doldrums through your blog...thanks for the memories.


    But your doldrum days are behind you and the fun is only beginning for you.


    I look forward to your updates and seeing how truly awesome your hair will be in a few months.






    Exactly....great update..

  9. Really? Because I went to a top quality surgeon and I have permanent shockloss. Please don't give any guarantees to a vulnerable person who is insecure(as we all are here) about his hair when there are NO guarantees in hair transplantation.



    Didnt mean to offend you! I mean in general your hair will come back...MOST PEOPLES do...Im sorry for your unfortunate situation but I stand by what I say...I know that there are always exceptions to the rule.

  10. As promised I would get you guys some one year pictures...here they are. Im completely 100% satisfied...maybe 5,10 years down the road I may have to address temple points or a little more crown work, but Im great for now....these pics were all taken inside, at 9 months on my blog, they were all taken outside....there has been quite a bit of thickening up since month 9...






  11. Its probably been asked 1000 times, but how do you guys keep it from getting gummed up in your hair after a transplant...obviously, you have more hair after a transplant...

    Ive been putting it on while my hair is damp...that seems to help...any other suggestions???

  12. Congrats NHP! The one year milestone feels great doesn't it?


    Time for another transplant! :D Kidding of course. Or am I? ;)

    Ahhh the old hair greed...yes, I would love to have another one right now..probably wait at least 5 years at this point...loving my hair...


    Thanks everybody!

  13. One year ago today I was sitting in the Foxbar, lonely as hell one day post op. Swelling was starting to sit in. The temp outside was about -4, but that's pretty warm considering what they are experiencing this week. I stayed there for six pretty miserable nights thinking I can't wait to be one year post op. well that time has come and my oh my what a difference 4800 grafts and a skilled surgeon like Dr Rahal and a year later make. I've actually started going to the salon to get a hair cut and style. That's crazy. Anyway, as usual I will post pictures, just not tonight. Just wanted to say I'm glad this year is behind me.

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