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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. CD, sounds like a solid approach. If I could go back in time I would have a) started with Dr.Feller and b) planned my hair restoration the same way, addressing front to back. Lucky for you to begin the process with such a great surgeon! Looking forward to seeing your crown work.



    Not to steal cane decide thread, but do you have any current updates? How's your hair doing. I would love to see some photos. I think I'm getting the hair greed bug!!!


    Can't decide,

    Good luck and tell Dr Rahal I said thanks and hi. Also, tell that hot girl that works up front I said hi!!!! Lol

  2. Shampoo, looking at your procedure dates I see that you had a small procedure a while back and then a mega session recently. Did the first procedure have a big impact on the available donor left? The two procedures I am considering right now are FUE 1400 grafts and FUT 1500-2000 grafts. I am wondering, if either were to not work out, and I decided to go mega session in the future, which procedure would have depleted more donor hair, or would they be similar? Would one particular procedure have more consequences for having a subsequent procedure?


    If you are really planning on doing both, FUE and then FUT, do FUT first. Make much better use of your donor area.

  3. Okay, so since I prefer sutures and have seen better results with them than staples in my own experience, you are happy that my FUE procedure did not work out, for Dr. Rahals sake, because that makes me a difficult customer. Got it.



    Yea, that's it. Since as soon as it happened I tried to help you. It was only when you made the comments about staples not being good or outdated I spoke up.

    Why don't we just start over, who are you considering for future FUE or FUT? Any chance you go back to Rahal for FUT?

  4. I get that new hair please says staples are just as good as sutures. Agree to disagree and move on, who cares. Through my journey so far I have had a lot of experiences that may be beneficial to others. I thought this is what the forums were, to share experiences. Not to attack someone that has an option. I get that he likes staples but went to Rahal and got sutures. Maybe he can request the staples next time he goes if he needs another procedure.



    I never attacked you. YOU said doctors who were using staples were outdated. I said that was a joke. If you are gonna quote me quote me right. Also, who in the hell would be paying me. That's funny.

  5. New hair please you are not fooling anyone on here. You are either paid or have way too much time on your hands. Let me post the experience I had for others in peace.


    I've been around way longer than you bud! I started out trying to help you and now you've just gone silly. Believe me, I'm not paid. There are several people on here who can speak to the validity of that! As far as having too much time on my hands, I haven't been on this site regularly for 6 months, however when I saw you had a failed surgery with Rahal I took interest. Also, I , like others tried to steer you away from Armani! However, since you got it all figured out, I'll quit giving my advice. Just trying to help you like I have hundreds on here. There were people who helped me and I try and return the favor.

  6. ^LOL. I thought I was the only one. Seems like some doctors have not caught up with the times. No one responds if you need advice but everyone argues if you say something that isn't perfectly representing a doctor. Unfortunately not everyone can be number one.



    Really??? You say some doctors haven't caught up with the times. Why don't you call Feller, Shipiro, Hasson and Wong, Konior, etc... And tell them the are behind the times of the " gold standard"

    I went to Rahal, as you well know, however if he would have used staples I still would have gone.

    IT'S NOT right for you to say you saw ONE patient of Feller or Wong whose scar looked terrible. These guys have done thousands of surgeries. Look at 500 patients and then decide if they are shortcutting or behind the times

  7. Interesting. I really dont know much about sutures vs staples. I will say that I have had two surgeries and both surgeons used staples and I honestly feel I am scar-free in every practical sense. I have had people literally search for my scars with their hands running thru my hair and it takes them awhile to find the "scars". I was surprised last week when I got a haircut I asked my hairdresser to try and find the "scar" from my August 14, 2012 surgery at Hasson & Wong and he started looking and was was like "ummm let see...umm I dont see it...let me look...and after really looking he finally found it and said "gosh that is not hardly noticeable even looking for it close-up". In my mind, for most people, scars are way, way, way over-rated as a worry unless you use a 2nd rate surgeon or you plan to shave completely bald at some point down the road.


    Correct. And that's surgery from 2 Golden Follicle award winners!!

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