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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. No I am not a doctor. No I do not get paid by this board! I am not trying to argue with you and I do not want to get into a pissing match, I am just simply Stating that there are top quality surgeons on this board who you staples! And their scar lines are virtually undetectable! Hasson and Wong and sometimes Konior and more. No one can accuse these doctors are being lazy

  2. Convenience. Using sutures is a very intricate and artistic process and it takes time and skill to use them appropriately. The people replying to these forums could probably staple your incision.



    They are not using staples from a regular stapler. Not true, the people, with the exception of the doctors on here, could not staple that incision. Ask Dr Lindsey!!

  3. Patient discomfort, scaring, shock loss. In the hands of a skilled surgeon and correct materials, sutures are superior in every way. They allow the surgeon to obtain closure closer to the incision site which results in reduced scaring. The point of a needle has a much higher gauge (meaning thinner) than a staple, which is easier to avoid disruption of surrpunding follicles. Staples are fired into the incision site blindly and are a convenience.


    Man you have got to do way more research. This is simply not true. Some of the best surgeons on here who have the best " least " noticeable scars use staples.

  4. Hi everyone,

    First of all, this forum has been such a huge help in my research process as well as it seems like a nice non threatening environment to get good, honest feedback. I never really noticed that I was losing my hair and had a receding hairline until people brought it to my attention (thanks a lot jerks) this past year.


    Being single and self conscience, for the past few months its about at the point where it's on my mind every day. I'll be honest, I'm scared to get a HT, but not because of the pain or even the amount of money it will cost, but if people would find out. I have an office job, so I'm good M-F, but I'm very active at church and am often giving presentations and exposed to many people.


    I have noticed there are a ton of highly recommended doctors in the Chicago area that I will hopefully have some consultations with soon. I'm currently not on any rogaine or proceia or any other medication, as I wanted to get recommendations from doctors first. Anyway, I could go on and on, but these are a few of the more specific questions I had. I'm sure there will be many, many, more.


    -What would be your estimate on the amount of grafts I would need? My main area of concern is my left temple, but also the right side, and the hairline. I know it's said the $ shouldn't be the main concern, but just looking for a rough ballpark.


    -How much time would I need to take off? I notice people saying they take a week off of work, but I would want it to where nobody would have the slightest hint I had a HT. I've been styling my hair with the comb-over look lately so hopefully that would hide it better.


    -I'm 27 years old, if I get a HT now, is it almost a certainty that I would need another procedure in the future? Is this going to be something that I would have to concern myself with for the rest of my life?


    Thanks so much for all the help, means a lot to me.

    I started losing my hair when I was 18...I had a transplant when I was 19, pretty decent at the time but that was 1993..fast forward 22 years and Ive been on and off propecia and rogaine except for the last 2 years Ive been steady and Ive had one world class hair transplant with Dr Rahal...

    To my benefit I think for starting to lose my hair at 18 Ive had a very slow loss...so to answer your question, you may or may not need a future transplant...it just depends on your genetics..your hair looks pretty good to me..

    If you are in Chicago... GO SEE DR KONIOR!!!! Top notch.

  5. Whenever I post a surgeons name for advice that isn't recommended on here the website doesn't allow me to post it. It seems that certain physicians are blocked from the forum especially if their focus is on FUE. I looked into Dr. Feller and he doesn't recommend FUE in patients needed less than 500 grafts which is a norwood 0-1.



    I've seen hundreds of surgeons names posted on here that aren't deleted. Not sure where you get that from.

  6. This forum is so annoying it is impossible to tell what is real advice vs. advertising. Does anyone know of a better forum?


    You WON'T find a better forum. Sorry this is beneath you.

    You have been a member for less than a month. I suggest you spend more time researching. No way you can figure it all out in a month

  7. The best way would be to visit a hair restoration clinic and have the doctor check your scalp laxity which only takes a few minutes. If you can take your two thumbs and move the skin on the back of your scalp a good distance in all directions you probably have good scalp laxity.



    Dr Charles...dont you really only know one you cut the donor strip,,,,I mean I know you have an idea, but really dont you just know when you actually get in there if the scale is gonna agree or not...I remember Dr Rahal making that first incision and then saying basically, oh laxity is great, Im gonna get a little more...

  8. I will echo what Shampoo said...I would certainly look at Rahal...he did mine 4800 plus grafts, 10,000 hairs in one LONG surgery...worth every penny....will do my next one if ever needed...I wouldnt go to anyone else, but Im biased!! There are several on here and we all have our favorites but you are doing the right thing researching...you cant go wrong with any on the mega session doctors on here!

    Might wanna look at Arocha as well...super nice guy!

  9. I've been taking propecia 1mg in combination with 2% Nizoral for 6 months now, and I've yet to see any results. I still seem to be receding (21 years, NW2, getting worse at the hairline) and I'm losing hope.


    Has anyone found any personal benefits from 'scalp exercises'? Or are they just a myth?

    If they are helpful, would anyone be able to recommend which ones to do, and for how long/day?


    Some more details: My scalp 'burns' every few days after I haven't washed my hair, and it hurts when I move my hair in any direction (Scalp feels sore and dry). This is often followed by a lot of hair shedding.


    Definitely not a myth...how much do they work,,,I dont know, but I know they help some.

  10. Hey New Hair!


    Did you notice any particular area of the scalp that it improved? I understand it works best on the crown and midscalp, which would be for me (and you also I believe) native hair areas.


    Like I said sugar...it could be the meds, or it could be the remainder of the transplant coming in....but YES, Ive seen a considerable difference all over...the problem is I started this about 4 months after my surgery with Dr Rahal so its tough to tell...

    My best guess is most of the results are from the transplant, BUT I have noticed I have pretty much zero shedding at anytime!!!:)

  11. This is a little embarrassing, and I don't really like sharing information like this, but I am worried.


    I was intimate with a girl last night and during the business my penis went limp. The girl got really offended - and I knew straight away it must have been propecia (Merck), as this is one of the side effects.


    I have taken propecia since August, 3 days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri). I had bought the tablets a while back but never took them because I was cautious about the side effects, for that reason.


    Seriously I couldn't get it up again once it went down, this has never happened to me before and now I'm worried, because I only take it 3 days a week.


    My question is if I stop using it, should I be able to maintain a normal erection again, since I've only been on it roughly 4 months?


    Should I stop using it?


    What are the alternatives? I already use minoxidil and nizoral (I've heard debatable things about Saw Palmetto and carrying viagra at 23 y.o is dodgy).


    Your help would be much appreciated and please no laughing.

    Yes, your sides should go away...also they should go away with continued use...3x a week is almost nothing..it really could have been a mental thing:(

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