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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. I've scheduled a HT with an overseas surgeon and he prefers cash payment. While the surgeon has an established reputation on this site, I feel uneasy about making such a large purchase in cash, let alone carrying it in an unfamiliar country. Does anyone have experience with this? I would think that a surgical practice would accept credit cards.


    NO WAY...would I carry a large amount of money overseas!!!

  2. I think you should take a few months to research what you want to do. During your research you will get an idea of what kind of fees are normal and who is worth their asking price. Consider your priorities and work from there. You'll see a wide variety of prices, anywhere from 5 bucks a graft to 14 bucks a graft or more. Cost is always a factor but it shouldn't be the deciding factor. Results, results, results. That is what you need to look for and whomever you choose needs to be consistent.



    Best advice you can get!

  3. If this cloning or whatever else they're up to actually comes to fruition and baldness can be cured, what does that mean for the HT doctors, the wig makers, propecia, rogaine, laser, herbal tablets etc ? They'll all go out of business I imagine..........isn't this too much reason for them NOT to bring out a cure?



    A cure could very likely be 3X as expensive or more than current hair transplants...also, a cure could be an ongoing thing...like..once every 2-5 years have this done...

    Most likely surgeons are probably safe for a LONG time...

  4. oh great! ok I will try to post some pics latter on! What do u think of doctors claiming that they can regenerate donor area with the use of Acell and prp? dr col# is one of them? tks!


    Don't get caught up to much in the Acell or Prp. Yes, it serves its purpose I guess but NO WAY does it regenerate your donor area. When you take from donor area, it's gone! Until cloning comes along anyway but don't hold your breath on that either.

  5. Thanks a lot for your fast response! This forum is really helpful! I believe i would need about 1 000 grafts (im about Norwood 2.5 going to 3). Saying that, I m a little bit concerned of wasting too many grafts on my hairline and not having enough left for future HT. It is why i am also quite keen to choose a dr using Acell and prp (however, i have been using finasterid and minoxil 5 % for about 5 years already).


    Thanks again


    1000 grafts will probably be a drop in the bucket. You cannot waste grafts on the hairline! You can sure waste them in the crown but not the hairline, within reason! This is the thing though, you may think you only need 1000, Dr Rahal may think you need 2500 in the hairline. Of course he will take your age, future loss, current level of miniturazation all into account. Do you mind posting pics?

    This site is great, but you will get much better responses from much more credible posters than me with pics....ie Spex, Jotronic, Mattj, Mattz to name a few

  6. You can't go wrong with ANY of those doctors you have listed. You will find a lot of people on here tell you Dr Rahal is " king of the hairline" ! I'm not gonna tell you differently. He is!!! However, from experience with Dr Rahal I had FUT. I'm cometely satisfied with my results at this point. I do think Dr Rahal is getting much better results from FUT vs FUE. How many grafts do you think you need?? That would be a big part of the decision making process for me if I were you. If you need 2000 plus, I would strongly consider FUT. Can you post some pics ?

  7. Native

    I remember that strip recovery. I had a huge megasession. 4800

    Grafts. Dr Rahal told me after I still had 4000 grafts left pretty easily. I thought at that time the thought of another strip surgery sounded like I would never do it again. But, after my results, I would never do FUE until I was stripped out. I think of it as I've been told how some women think of child birth. You know, while its happening they say never again but after the baby they say it wasn't that bad. Truth be told, the worst part for me was the no sleep. The sleeping elevated to reduce the swelling. The constant worrying about messing up one single graft. The actually surgery was LONG....approx 13 hours for me. However, after my results, I wouldn't consider anything other than FUT until I was out of strip options.

  8. Sorry to hear that. Did you get a solid explanation of exactly why these were transected? Where did you travel from? That blows man! Good luck moving forward with this! Tread carefully with Dr Armani. There used to be SO much negative press online about that guy. Just do a couple of searches. Umar is ridiculously expensive! But the Belgium clinics mentioned definitely seem up there with the very best. But to ensure that this doesn't happen again, I guess its real important to understand exactly what the problem was, and to get a potential future Drs feedback!


    DONT go to Armani!!! Thats my opinion....what happened with Dr Rahal?

  9. If it is male pattern baldness at least you've caught it very early and found the right forums for help!


    Many people don't find this unless years of hair loss and poor transplants with poor doctors.


    My advice if it IS MPB is to get on propecia and minoxidil, if you catch it early then you SHOULD be able to maintain what you have and probably thicken up a bit more where you have loss.


    Yes, you will benefit greatly from meds if this is the beginning of MPB...

  10. thanks guys, thats what i thought too but the 2nd op is just so important to me right now that i am not gonna take any chances. Yup i will rest for a day before going for the op. I will be like flying half a globe of distance! Wish me luck! I really need it...


    Good luck. Great choice. Rest plenty before because its so hard to rest afterward. Or at least it was for me. Scared of hurting donor area and grafts. Sleeping on an incline to reduce swelling. Rest up now! Good luck.

  11. Exactly one week Post Op with Dr Konior. He is the Michelangelo of HT. Incredibly smooth procedure (2400 grafts on crown), no pain and very clean look. I returned to work on Monday and told fellow employees I had some sun damaged moles removed on my scalp, slicked by hair back to cover most of crown and used a little Toppik. Not one question or funny look. Worth the trip to Chicago!


    Great to hear! Everyone here knows Dr Konior one of my favorites. Including him. One thing, I'm sure you did, but check with Dr K about using concealers that early after a transplant.

  12. Okay Aaron

    I've waited to post because I've been trying to figure out if I like the long hair. I really think your hair looks great spiked and short with the messed up look.

    Having said that....I really have started to like the long hair as well. Isn't it nice to have these options available!!! Your hair really looks good man. You should be proud!

  13. Hey Guys,


    I received 1704 grafts mostly focusing on my hairline. The plan was to transplant 2000-2500, but due to my less than average density donor area, we did not reach that goal. It's been about 6 weeks since my procedure, and I'm noticing a lot of shockloss around the scar and wanted to get your guys opinions if you consider this normal or not. I will also send these pics to my doctor for his feedback, but after reading through these forums I'm guessing my shockloss is normal, but I wanted other opinions just in case! Also, I am on 0.5mg Propecia everyday. Thanks guys!

    You picked a great doctor...I had pretty bad shock till about 2 months...It went away very quick after that.

    Had you had any previous work...I thought the same thing about the length of the scar and only 1700 grafts...Thats why I was asking about previous work..anyway, the shock will go away.

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