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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Hi guys,


    What's your opinion on the optimum time needed to take off work after strip surgery?


    Where I work I could probably get 4/5 consecutive weeks off, or up to 6 months unpaid leave (I'd need to cook up a story to get this approved though).


    If I grew my native hair out I think I could do a reasonable job in concealing a HT from co-workers. It all depends on when the hairs fall out, post-HT, redness...


    Thanks in advance.

    I guess you are gonna find a surgeon to leave your native hair??? If thats the case, and you have enough native hair, ONE month should be fine...

    For me personally, at one month, I looked like complete and total dog crap!

  2. hi.. i already had a HT (strip) from Dr. Surmadhu Chawre at age 20.. which did not yielded satisfactory results.. so.. plzz suggest me the best surgeon any came across plzz help.. now

    i m considering to have a HT to get done from Hasson and Wong from Vancouver, Canada.. plz help!!


    Cant go wrong with H&W...also, I would consider...Rahal, Konior, Arocha, Feller, Lindsey....would all get consideration..

  3. Thanks for the kind words. Anyone have any thoughts about the curly hair/FUE issue? I posted some pre op photos from today and the past month. I cut my hair short about 5 weeks ago since the pre op instructions were not to get a hair cut for 6 weeks prior. Upset about losing some hard earned growth in the crown after stopping the minox for a month.


    You wont lose it..I think I only stopped for 2 weeks per Dr Rahal...:)

  4. Hi TruthOnly,

    You seem to have a number of concerns. Have you tried to call or email our office? We normally respond to emails within 24 hours. Post-surgery, we provide patients with both Dr Rahal and Mike’s cell numbers (as written in the post op package).


    When was your procedure date? Please post the date on this thread and we can happily respond.


    Regarding prices, patients are given the prices for their procedure of choice. Occasionally patients are undecided and switch from FUT to FUE and thus the price difference can cause confusion.

    If you required 4500 grafts then FUT would be the best option as higher numbers are the main strength of that method.


    I am surprised by the photo comment though, as we have a very high number of results out there and I recently compiled them all into one thread as they can be hard to find





    We like to emphasize patient-contributed results which can be found on the website under “Success Stories”. These, combined with the photo gallery and the results posted on the forums (by us and by patients) lead to a very large and varied collection for people to view.


    Was certainly true in my case! I even sent multiple text to Mike, and he responded very quickly.

  5. I got a hairline transplant three weeks ago of 1000 grafts. I started propecia two days before the procedure. I am now shedding hair like crazy. Is this the shock loss I am experiencing? Is it the propecia or both? I am scared that I am loosing hair that won't grow back and am wandering if I should of started propecia earlier than two days pre op to help stabilize. Any suggestions or recommendations? Also it's been three weeks can I start removing the scabs as they are getting stuck in my hair because all my transplants were put into the hairline where there was native hair and transplanted hair from a small prior surgery 12 years ago. Thanks for your help!


    Shedding is very normal...both with propecia and obviously from the transplant..I would think you need to be pretty agressive 3 weeks post op in rubbing the scabs during normal washing to get them off( however, contact your surgeon first for his advice)..stick with the propecia! If you had a transplant 12 years ago, then yes, you should probably have been on propecai for the last 12 years, BUT hey, I made the same mistake!

  6. Nice result :) Can I ask why you think you were not a good candidate for FUE? Your donor looks pretty good, was it because of the previous strip scars? I thought that more people were generally better candidates for FUE than FUT due to skin laxity not being a factor for FUE...


    I think you actually have it backwards. FUT still produces much better yield! My donor area was great, and thankfully I still have quit a bit left- 3-4k, but the size of my session and my area to be covered made me an ideal candidate for FUT. Yes, plus the 2 scars were combined into One.

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