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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Guys, I will be the first to admit Im guilty of living my life...Ive spent very little time on the board, for that, I apologize!! I was on here earlier this week and realized Dr Rahal was not listed as a recommended surgeon...Obviously I was concerned...I did some research and found out why,,,STUPID!!!!

    I certainly hope this doesn't cost him clients!! He is an absolute excellent surgeon!! After this, I felt obligated to give an update on the man, Dr Rahal, who changed my look and my confidence level! I really have to keep my hair short because its such a drastic change..I am 100% completely ecstatic with my results!! The CRAZY THING is, I still feel stubble!! I know there is more to come..anyway, feedback will be appreciated! All of these pictures were taken outside in natural light...


    I will be more involved on this board! I owe to the guys who helped me, and this community!:)









  2. I was so anxious the first two weeks. It was the worst sleep of my life for two weeks. Dont wanna lay on the recipient area, don't wanna lay on the donor area, don't wanna wash to hard, dont wanna wash to easy!!!! You get the point...I would say yes, as long as there is no bleeding then you are fine. For me, at about three weeks I shed all my grafts and lots of native hair. I was way balder than I was going in. Now it has all come back plus!!!! Hang in there Spanker. You are an easy home run for someone like Dr Konior!!

  3. Spanker,

    That's what my hair looked like. I didn't really have scabs, I just looked like I had terrible dandruff!!! Man with your head of hair you are gonna have an Unbeliveable result!!! I remember when I had my consult with Dr Konior, he told me " if you hadnt had any previous work, I could make you look like a kid again". That's what you are gonna look like, a freakin teenager again!!! Your hair is gonna be great!!!

  4. Fake

    Let me try and answer your question in my own words...not to say that it is right...First, DHT plays NO ROLE in hair loss unless you are genetically predisposed to be sensitive to it...Like us!!! Every man has DHT, just some aren't sensitive to it!! However, I would think a low testosterone level very well could effect graft growth..

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