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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Sorry no pics this time. Just wanted to share where I am. I honestly cannot believe the difference. It truley is Unbeliveable. From month 3-5 has been crazy with growth. My donor area on the right side is just a little thin but I think the tricho closure is still coming in. My wife cut my hair down to 1/3 in on top the other day and it just looked like a crew cut. I was trying to even it out with all the new hair coming in. To sum it up, I could not be more happy or impressed. Dont worry, I'll post 6 month pics next month!

  2. Sugarhighs

    Yes you can do that. And I think I know the reason you want to do that. Just to get it over with. What I typically do is put it in first thing in the morning. I'll leave it in 4 hours. Wash my hair and the put it in at night. If I'm going out that night, I do what you said. However, I've found if you apply foam to damp hair and let it dry, it's almost like you have none in there. Then you can use your styling agent.

  3. I actually did, he recommended 2,000 grafts at a total of $8,000


    I'm just not comfortable having a big ugly scar at the back of my head, and since I'm a chemical plant operator, it just wouldnt work out. I work outside 50% of the time, everyday.


    Im leaning towards FUE.


    You can pretty much DOUBLE that price with a quality FUE transplant...I hope you didn't think that was an unfair price...4 dollar per graft for Dr Arocha is a steal!!

  4. I would really like to get Bills, Dave's, Blake's or a doctor on the this boards thoughts on this. HLCC with minox if you google will come up. Basically you speak with a doctor, he writes you a prescription, it's a 30 dollar fee, 149 for a two month supply. Sounds really good. Just wondering if it's reputable or if we are just better off sticking with rogaine foam. I've never heard of this till Hairiri posted on this. He said he had great results with it.

  5. Looking at the pics, your Hairloss is predominantly at the temples area..

    You can easily have a great result with minimum number of grafts.


    As AllAboutHair has already suggested, start using some medicines so that your existing hair will remain from falling or atleast will slow down falling.



    I wouldn't pay much attention to this statement. I'm not trying to discredit this post but you are not gonna need " minimum number of grafts " for a great result. It looks to me as if you have mid scalp thinning as well. First thing you need to do is stabilize the loss being at such a young age. Forget about a transplant for two years and get on propecia and rogaine.

  6. Yes, for the past 18 months. I invented it for my self and so many of my friends asked for it, the other people in the picture are my friends who used it. It worked best on normal MPB.


    I'm not talking about your product that you so called invented. Sorry. I was asking Hairiri if he was using the product in Dr Rahals office.

  7. NHP, will you tell us the secret to Dr. Rahal's early growing hair transplants? Does he soak the grafts in Miracle Gro? His procedures always grow earlier than anyone elses.


    You've really turned the corner, and are looking great so far! This is just the beginning, my friend!


    It's top secret!!! For a minimal fee you can find out!!! Lol

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