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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. What a difference a couple of weeks make...I can tell an unbelievable difference just from the pictures I posted a couple of weeks ago!!! Originally I said I wouldn't post anymore for six more weeks, but the growth these last couple of weeks IMO need to be shown!!! Im completely blown away at this point...all of these pictures were taken outside in natural lighting...feel free to add your comments!!!!


    Again guys...4 full months will be on May 19th...tell me what you think!!!





  2. It's normal to lose hair as Jo said earlier. 100 or so a day. If you use gel, rogaine, or shampoo your hair you will see some on your fingers. This is normal. Try not to worry about it. And do yourself a favor and try not to count the hairs you lose. Like up to 100 as this will only make you miserable. All you can do is take preventative measures with meds. Shampooing does not cause hair loss.

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