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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. I would love to see John get one of " the Free " surgeries that I've read about on here from time to time. I think bullitnut had one by Dr Ron Shapiro. I think I remember Dr Feller doing one as well. If ever a guy needed a break John R would be that guy. Good luck John. Keep us posted buddy!!

  2. Jo

    That makes perfect sense..when I had my procedure with Dr Rahal...before the surgery I asked him...keep in mind when were shooting for 4000 grafts on a corrective procedure...

    anyway I asked him " if we get 4000 grafts, how many do you think I will have left in the bank"...he told me ....I will tell you after surgery!!! Well after he got the 4800, he told me I had at least 3500-4000 left...he said I was in really great shape so I certainly understand that concept!!

  3. John R

    What do you think went wrong??? Can this be complete negligence on PAI?? I really don't know and I would love to hear your or a physician opinion on this....I can't imagine being in your shoes...I truly feel for you and I hope you can't find some peace with this whole issue!!

    How does something like this happen??

  4. John R

    Honestly, that is one of the nastiest things Ive ever seen...sorry for what you had to go through!! Im assuming you are saying you made a bad mistake getting a hair transplant??? I really like the look of your hair in the next to the last picture...you should be proud of where you are...I don't think it was anything you did!! How is the growth in that area?? Did it actually grow in or do you just kinda have your hair combed over there??

  5. Steve

    It looks like too me you were starting at ground ZERO!! After seeing your pre op pics, I would say 3000 grafts spread over that amount of area is a LOT of head to cover!!! You would certainly benefit from another procedure...The Bad news is I think you probably still need anywhere from another 4-6K based on what Im seeing...all depends on what kinda donor area and laxity you have...

  6. Jotronic posted a thread on this one time....and I think, not positive, but I think the reason he stated that often your hair looks so good and full after a transplant is because the redness that is associated with the scalp after a transplant causes a greater illusion of density....Now, I could be totally wrong BUT I think that is what he wrote one time...and he even posted pictures to prove it....

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