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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Hairyi

    I somewhat agree with the above post....I think you have excellent donor available so that is not a concern...I would get on propecia regularly and I would also lean to starting rogaine..especially in the crown for you as you could really thicken up in the crown with rogaine,,COULD, maybe not though...also, you are in NO need for a megasession!! I think 2/k would do you excellent!!

  2. Man, the topic of shampoo has become popular around here lately...NO SHAMPOO will regrow hair...however, some great one to use are revita, revivogen(thats what I use) and Nizoral...only use Nizoral a couple of times a week..thats all that its needed...


    In the end...shampoo can help, but you need to use it in conjunction with Rogaine and Propecia..

  3. I used revivogen couple of times a few years ago and I lost even more hair. I sent it back for a refund. It doesn't work. They sell dreams. Don't fall into the trap like a lot of people.


    This is simply not true IMO. There are shampoos that really help keep your hair healthy. It ISNOT gonna regrow any hair, but it's a nice compliment. Also, ketoconzole which is found in Nizoral shampoo has been found to be as effective as 2% minoxid.

  4. Ok guys


    Just thought I would pass this along....a lot of people are now concerned that finasteride can lead to a higher rate of high grade prostate cancer...well, this was actually found out while they were doing a study to see if it would decrease your risk for prostate cancer...well, I think the findings were it decreased low grade prostate cancer and slightly increased the risk for high grade prostate cancer...Im a big fan of finasteride..I look at the positives, it stops hair loss and and prevents low grade cancer....


    AS FOR IT CAUSING CANCER: Ive ALWAYS said this: if there were a study done on apples, it would show apples increased your risk for a certain type of cancer...well here is that study...

    A study on the intake of Vitamin E has shown to INCREASE THE RISK FOR PROSTATE CANCER!! Im gonna put the link to the study, I hope that is okay...

    Vitamins That Can Hurt You | Yahoo! Health

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