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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Can someone recommend a surgeon in Colorado or Missouri. I am in each state 50/50. I fly enough so please don't recommend I fly somewhere - LOL no offense. Also what is a good price for a good doctor? Thanks very much.


    I dont know much about this doctor other than he's recommended on this site... I don't recall a lot of post or pics or former patient posting about him either. However, he is recommended on this site which gives him instant credibility. He's located in Colorado.


    James A. Harris, MD, FACS Hair Transplant Surgeon in Greenwood Village, Colorado

  2. Huge hunk

    My donor area, actually right above it and throughout the crown are still very numb and it just has a sensitive and strange sensation. I'm sure there are several nerves that are severed in strip surgery. The nerves have to regenerate. I'm 7 weeks post op so hopefully within the next few months it will get better. The sensitiveness has already gotten better. It's like everything else with hair transplants; time!

  3. Is there a tool to cut the proscar to get it even? Also you would need a prescription for proscar right?


    Yes, you need a prescription for proscar...some doctors may be reluctant to give you this as its actually a prostate drug, however, if you search or explain to your doctor what you are doing they usually will...AS STATED BEFORE PROSCAR-5 FINASTERIDE: PRPPECIA-1


    Buy a pill cutter---that will get it as even as possible...it doesn't have to be perfect...you can cut it into 1/3 if its easier..that will give you a little stronger dose but it will or should be fine..a lot of people do that!

  4. Why are you not buying generic proscar? $10 dollar a month and will last you 3-4 months long...I know your doctor may not prescribe it, but living in MD Im sure you can find a doctor willing to do that...thats the route I would be looking!!

  5. Nhp,

    I am meeting with him in about 3 weeks I hope. I understand that docs prefer to shave, however, I honestly believe it is for convenience and because the grafts my have to stay out a little longer, which may cause a little risk. I personally feel convinced that Dr K is skilled and meticulous enough to not transect native hair. This is just my opinion. I will be having about 2 cm of my hairline worked on and plan on shaving the first cm and having the back cm non shaven, so I can go back to work fast with not much down time.



    I understand your situation as Ive seen your photos...you are in a great situation to not have to shave...Im just saying in a general sense, I guy that needs his whole scalp worked on is gonna benefit from a shave, just easier...I know thats what Dr Konior wanted me to do was shave...


    Also, good luck with Dr Konior!!! He is a super guy! Down too earth and he will literally talk too you as long as you want! He will totally put your mind at ease! I know you have personally waited a long time for this...Im truly excited for you! You will be in great hands with Dr Konior if you choose to go that route! Tell him I said " Hey "

  6. I knew and you're probably right but I wanted to use a keto shampoo everyday and I heard it's good to mix up shampoos(Can't use Niz everyday, it is a bit rough, but I don't have that problem with Revita). I have about 4 months supply of each so once I finish them, I'll consider changing it up. So far though they have really helped my scalp feel better. The hair looks cleaner(less oily) and more full. Hair loss wise, maybe a minimal difference. I will take your suggestions into consideration though, thanks :) BTW how is the transplant coming along, I haven't been able to keep up with your progress.


    Going great...coming up on 2 months....hard to believe!!:)

  7. Dr. Konior will do it without shaving. I think it costs a little more because it is more time consuming. I personally disagree with most people here about the shaving down thing. I think if you are goIng to A top doc that is comprised of a very short list, I think that it will not effect yield or shock any more a shaved ht. Sure, it's more difficult, but when carefully done, I don't think it matters.



    You are right, Dr Konior will do it without shaving..However, I know from personal experience( I was originally booked with Dr Konior) he certainly prefers to shave!! He stated to me all the benefits that I mentioned above for shaving...I also think he has a limit..ie.2500 grafts or so..anything above that is a mandatory shave...I think!! However, like I said, I know he is pro shave..

  8. Dingdong and buzz


    I think Bill and the forum mods have stated several times that there are qualified surgeons out there that are not mentioned on this site!!

    This site is excellent, IT SAVED ME A TON OF HEARTACHE!! Are there other surgeons in the world who would qualify as a coalition doctor right now, sure! However, the ones mentioned on this site have been watched, tested, and rigorously scrutinized by a public community for several years! Does it mean they are better than ones that may not be mentioned on this site, not necessarily..but it does mean they have a HISTORY of producing consistent constant results!!!

    Glad to hear the physician you guys chose seems to have a interest in this site...

    I would love to see some quality pictures from both of your surgery...before and after photos...a picture is worth more that a thousand words!! You know that!

  9. If you are having a large number of grafts places, 3000 plus, I would think its basically impossible to do without shaving...I know Dr Arocha does large cases without shaving and he gets excellent results...so yes it can be done! However, even as a patient, I had my head shaved completely for my surgery with Dr Rahal...4800 grafts! I didn't want anything hindering him in any way! Yes, It would have been nice to not have to had shaved and been able to conceal right away,as I had plenty enough donor hair to conceal...however, in the end, I am convinced the only way to go is shave! I have heard the argument long enough from top physicians and its just better to shave...


    A shave will lessen the chance of transection, will certainly make it easier on the surgeon and the techs, will lessen the chance of shock( I still got shock with a shave so its NOT 100 percent guarantee, but it helps, MUCH easier to keep the grafts and the donor incision clean post op!


    Just a few examples of why I am PRO SHAVE!

  10. blk1903

    Really no need to use both Revita and Nizoral...if you are using Revita it has the same active ingredient in it as Nizoral--ketoconzale...

    Im sure you knew that but just in case you didn't..if you wanna mix two shampoos, which is a good idea, try using Revita with Revivogen, or Revivogen with Nizoral...

    Nizoral and Revita are kind of redudent though..

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