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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. That's MGK (Machine Gun Kelly) and he did not have a full head of hair like the above user stated. He has actually been losing his hair for the last at least 5 years. He kept his bangs down to not expose his frontal loss. He also frequently wore bandanas to cover that area. He got an excellent transplant. I bet Dr. Rahal or Dr. Feller did it.


    I noticed this about him when I myself started battling significant thinning ans started looking into treatments and transplants. I'm thinking he had an FUT procedure and was lucky that the scar didn't stretch much at all.


    I didn't state " he had a full head of hair " .... I said he has a full head of hair. If he had a transplant , obviously it looks very good. At least from that angle it does. If Rahal did it, as is your guess, then no wonder

  2. Dr. Lorenzo chose to discontinue his recommendation when his affiliation with Farjo Clinic ended and he returned to Spain. The termination of h is recommendation is not a reflection of his quality of work. As far as I'm aware, his is still producing excellent FUE results.



  3. Hey guys,,,,

    What's been going on? Just glancing over the site today and noticed that Dr Lorenzo wasn't recommended anymore, or perhaps I overlooked it. I just know he was the FUE king around here for a while.

  4. "And also the fact is that many experienced Micropigmentation practitioners view SMP as "beneath them" or just kind of amateurish b/c it is extremely easy to do, and requires little to no artistry or skill, but many will take on the job if they have time b/c it is usually worth 1-2 g's for them. Some charge less."


    Can you please explain then why there are absolutely horrendous examples of SMP out there? Surely if it takes no artistry or skill, the equipment doesn't matter, and anyone can do it, the multitude of hideous work shouldn't exist....and yet it's out there... in droves....


    "One of my favorite lines is "the scalp is a whole other animal" LOL So false!"


    We have different needles designed for the face and for the scalp, because the face and the scalp are quite different. Different machine settings. Different pigments. Different techniques.


    "But at the end of the day these same SMP providers either just recently learned how to do SMP by taking a 3 day course, "


    I went to Milan for a week for my first training. Then I returned a year later to study for another week. It took about a year of practice to build up the stamina and dexterity to get through a whole head efficiently. I had moments where I wasn't sure I could finish. You also have to have some balls to poke someone's scalp with a needle thousands of times. Especially when that person is flinching with each poke. You also have to know a thing or two about hairline design.


    "Sift through the Bogus testimonials, pseudoscience, and marketing, and just get the facts. And if the provider is selling you something that smells a whole lot like B.S., it probably is..."


    This I'll agree with.


    Whats up hairthere!!!! Long time no talk, man I need to get up there and check your place out! I love my head of hair but would also love to be able to shave down for a few weeks just to change the look ( in the scar area )….

    Send me a PM with your # if you don't mind…thanks bud!

  5. Ha, ha. Good one. I actually exchanged few mails with Dr. Konair s clinic and was very pleased with methodical assessment and approach. He even offered free initial consultation with no obligation given my advanced hair loss. Due to multiple other factors I went ahead and had my procedure in India. Under Dr. Arika Bansal at her Eugenix clinic at Guargaon, otherwise my next choice would have been Dr. Konair. (Who is surprisingly not recommended here).


    I think u have made a great choice. All the best.


    I'm not sure who Dr Konair is , however if you are taking about Dr Konior in Chicago he is and has been recognized on this site for a very long time. He's a Coalition doctor on this site for good reason.

  6. How long was the wait? Like did you have to set up the procedure months and head of time because he was busy? And how much did it cost if you don't mind let us know ?


    He's gonna be booked up for months. You may get a cancellation but that's rare. That's because he's a great surgeon.

  7. Wow. I'm just now getting through all 45 pages of this thread, one of the greatest HTN threads of all time...thanks Dr Feller for the video , honestly, it opened my eyes! I've never thought about FUE scarring the way you've described it in the video. Excellent video!

    I totally agree with the results about FUT. I wish I were ( would have been ) an FUE candidate but I wasn't. Fortunately I've had great FUT results with Dr Rahal and I have great laxity for another 3-4K ( according to add Rahal ) in the bank!

    I'll take strip any day of the week over FUE. Great post

  8. Wow. I'm just now getting through all 45 pages of this thread, one of the greatest HTN threads of all time...thanks Dr Feller for the video , honestly, it opened my eyes! I've never thought about FUE scarring the way you've described it in the video. Excellent video!

    I totally agree with the results about FUT. I wish I were ( would have been ) an FUE candidate but I wasn't. Fortunately I've had great FUT results with Dr Rahal and I have great laxity for another 3-4K ( according to add Rahal ) in the bank!

    I'll take strip any day of the week over FUE. Great post

  9. Lefty & Win, we're so happy to hear you had an enjoyable stay at our Guesthouse!


    Here are some more photos for all who are interested.


    Our guesthouse is exclusively for our Rahal patients. It is indeed an opportunity for a live forum, encouraging much of the same dialogue that occurs here on HTN :)


    Looks better than the Foxbar. That was a great place as well! Dr Rahal drove me there after my surgery, he prob don't remember but the car got loose from him on the ice and I teased him about it. He too lit well.

    Great place, great surgeon.

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