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Everything posted by johnny2000

  1. I keep loosing hair. I am on the edge of a breakdown. I have now washed my hair 5 times today to make sure all the toppik is out. What is the yellow/lightbrown grease on my scalp by the hairroots? Could This be the Reason i keep getting thinned and thinner? Is it dandruff of some kind Zoom ind on the picture and you Can see it I Can not take This shit anymore.?
  2. What do you mean that you have some very strong thougts? Did it not go smoothly? Was dr. Lorenzo not friendly enough? Was it done in Madrid? How much work did the tech do and how much did lorenzo do?
  3. Well all i Can say is that i have still not recieved an answer about a refund. And still no public answer in here from the clinic. David and Blake could you please answer if you Think that i am entitled to a full refund? I am really disapointed with This surgery!
  4. Well a had contacted a few other clinics before who Also told me i needed 1500-2000 grafts So they must Also have thought i needed a HT. But yes i had some hairs pre-op but when you look at some of dr. Feridunis patients, they have alot more hair than me and still recieved more grafts than me Well the clinic just e-mailed me and said that they do NOT Think the surgery has failed, but they are not happy with the density so they offers a free HT. And they say that scaring is expected with a HT and i need 1,5 cm hair in the donor area. So if This kind of scaring is expected for a 1300 grafts HT, then i dont know what to Think ? I have requested a full refund and waiting for an answer.
  5. i have been on finasteride for around 5 years and still am. the medication helped stop the hairloss quite well the doctor also knew i was on finasteride the day of the operation, i meet dr. ayhan and talked to him. he was also the one i discussed all the things with. he spoke good english and dr. hakan could not speak english. dr. ayhan also draw the hairline and told me where they would be able to put grafts in i only meet dr. hakan for a couple of minutes before the surgery where he VERY shortly touched my hair and looked at it. i told dr ayahn that my father and grandfather was a norwood about 5-6. the goal was to lower the hairline to where the line was drawn. i defenetly did NOT want it lower than this i would rather fill in the thin areas but i dont think to much grafts where placed in the thin areas it was 2 lady's that extracted the hairs. i actually wondered why they worked so much in the lower donor area insted of working in a larger area. but when you lay down on the operation chair, totally numb and nervous and cannot see what is going on in the back of your head, how could i then question them? and then dr hakan implanted the hairs with help from a lady asistent who i dont know was.
  6. about 10 month post op permanent shockloss of native hairs. my hair is thinner in the diffuse places where a small number of grafts was placed :-(
  7. blake thank you for taking the time to answer. as i explained to the others members, i am fully aware that there would be scars, but like you said yourself, the area they extracted from has made it alot worse than it could have been. and my result is really NOT good either. i could be less worried of the donor if my results was good, but that is far from the case. what is my next step from here? do i demand a full refund? i am 100 % sure that i will never return to this clinic Again to get repaired. and even though i might get a refund i still ended up as a repair patient, so now i need to spend ALOT more Money, and not to mention, grafts ! grafts that i dont have unlimitted of :-(
  8. i will try to stay strong, and if my result was really good, then i might be less concerned about the donor, but the result is just as bad, so that makes Things alot worse. i used 3-4 years of researching to try to not end up a repair case, and i still ended up that way ! that is so F...ing depressing :-(
  9. Mickey, thank you for your concern. well what can i say? yes if i grows out it becomes less noticebull, but it is nice to have a shorter haircut in the sides and back these days. especieally if your hair on top is thinning like most of us here, and i was offcourse aware there would be some scaring, but they way they harvested has made it really bad :-(
  10. hello david, thank you for taking the time to view my case. yes i have contacted the Clinic with my concerns of the result, and they admitted that the Growth is not good enough. they said about 30 % has not grown, but i would say alot more, and the hairs that have grown, many of them have bad direction :-( and now i found out that the donor looks like this i know that HT is not scarless, but this does not look very good, and i have asked the Clinic of an explanasion of why they extracted the grafts in such a small area, instead of spreading it out so the scars are much less. but i have not gotten an answer for this. many grafts have been wasted, and the grafts that is in the reciepted area has to be taken out and put back in with correct direction. (that was confirmed by dr. feriduni and a Clinic in my country) so this HT has really ended up with almost the worst possible outcome. i will post pictures
  11. < yes it was my first procedure i am thinking of dr Lorenzo or feriduni in the future, but HT is not free, so i need to save alot of Money.
  12. i dont know. it was done in Antalya at some hospital, where they had some rooms booked for HT surgery.
  13. Thank you all for support. Tonight, when i get to my laptop. will Update and answer all you questions. And i Will Also show the results.
  14. Yeah i can obviesly not cut it This Low. That option is out for me. ? Also the result is bad ? I Will soon post a 1 year Update . Man i am pretty Down. I have developed a deep depression because of my hairloss and This HT have made it alot worse, ? Just started going to therapi, and my relasionship is fucked because all i do all Day long is stay indoor and standing in the bathroom looking at my hair. ? (or lack of hair) Bye bye life
  15. Yes it was dr. Hakan. Do you guys have Any opinion on This?
  16. Hello. What do you guys Think of my fue scarring at 12 Month post op and cut Down with no guard with the clipper. 1300 grafts was taken. I am actually a little choked to se that it looks that bad. If my surgeon had taken the grafts from a larger area, instead of only the low part of the back of the head, Then the scarring would proberly be a lot less. ?
  17. How did they clinic told you to wash after your HT? Did they told you to "dap" some cream on with a piece of "dont know the name in english, but like a cloth or something", let it sit for 30 min. And Then wash with baby shampoo, 3 times Every Day, starting from day 1 allready? And when they washed it for you the first Day, did they "dap" the cream on with a bit of presure.? More pressure than you Think they should at that stage?
  18. Yes its Strange that toppik just "stopped" Sticking like it used to. Did they change something? I Also use mane hair thickening spray, but i use it AFTER i have put toppik in. But if you have to use a very little mane otherwise it looks fake
  19. Cool i Will try nonogen, the problem is Also that the toppik colors do not look Real its a bit Yellow and green and stuff Good cheap plase to get nanogen?
  20. If i new i would get regrowth for sure Then i would do it my Whole life, but like you mentioned, there is no garantie. Thats why im so confused ? My life is fucked atm, i have 0 confidense, mygirlfriend is so sick of me allways beeing depressed and talking about my hair, ? I dont Think she Can hang on much more, but i just can help it. Im so fucking lost...
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