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Everything posted by johnny2000

  1. Been on propecia for 4+ years. Been thinking of adding rogaine Many times along the way. Here is my current situation: I am worried about all the minox stories claiming their hair Shed or minox made it worse and stuff like that. I cannot afford to loose anymore hair, the i Will break down. I am just on the edge to the point where, if i loose a bit more hair, i cannot hide it with consealers. So is there anyone who Can give their opinion on whether it is good to start rogaine foam? Maybe someone with simuler hairloss ?
  2. Yes i know ? I ordered some couvre, Then i Will try to use a combo of that and toppik
  3. I use mane hair spray Also after i put on toppik. It looks like mane and haircubed are the same, Right? I cannot understand the dermatch, its impossible to use i Think. I tried but it looks ridicules and clumbs like.
  4. lately it is more difficult for me to make toppik stick to my hair, it kinda just dust of to easy i think, it could be my hair is getting thinner and thinner. do any of you have the same problem, that some days the toppik sits well but other days, its hard to make it sit. i use to use it without the toppik spray hold, now even if i use the toppik spray hold it will not stick so good to my hair. its depressing me :-( what about nanogen, is that sticking better to the hair than toppik? the other day i washed my hair over and over Again to get it right, i think i washed my hair 10-15 times within 2 hours and spend like 3 hours in the bathroom trying to get it right, how fucking depressing is that :-(
  5. to be honest i think you can clearly tell its a hairtransplant. and if you had almost 6000 grafts, then it is a very bad result. what did the doc say? sad that dr. Lorenzo is not there anymore. Lorenzo would almost give your a full head of hair with that graft number
  6. Ok guys thx for the answers. I Will stay away from it ?
  7. And maybe Also with the same lighting in before and after pictures ? Off course the result would look much better when there is no much less light in the after pictures.
  8. Dont expect the clinic to answer you. I have asked multiple times why they almost allways show wet before and dry after pictures, and never recieved Any reply. It must be because the dont want to explain it.
  9. Anyone uses oral spiro? If so, do you have succes ? How long and what dose? What about sides? Where do you get it from
  10. I am Also strongly considering lorenzo and bisanga Did you travel to spain and belgium only to get a consultation and Then home again afterwards?
  11. I hear you, and i Also understand. But in This case the patient could have just as thick hair before the HT as he has after. But because dr. Koray, like he ALLWAYS does, show wet before picture, it looks like a good result, and maybe somebody might fall for this sleezy trick, but the fact is that you cannot compare the before and after because he wet it. So again i ask. Dr. Koray why do you almost ALLWAYS show wet before pictures? Can we please se a DRY before picture of the patient?
  12. If the doctor needs to highlight the hairloss by wet the hair, Then the patient does NOT need a hairtransplant. Thats just my opinion.
  13. In my mind, i am sure that BUSA is a fake profil made by a turkish clinic ! I Think alot of people realised that now.
  14. The haircut is a joke i Think ?. And offcourse like ALLWAYS This doctor post wet before pictures to "camouflage" the work! I asked so Many times and the doctor dont answer, i try again. - dr koray, why is it you almost alleays post wet before pictures? Why not post HONEST result?
  15. Again BUSA rush in to defend the clinic! BUSA please go away
  16. Off course BUSA is hired, i have NO doubt about that. The only question is by who? And what your saying about the clinic offering money to others to make fake profiles just show that the best to do is play it safe and go with clinic that have Looooong record of good results.
  17. I know This comment is a couple of weeks old but i need to ask you BUSA. Are you sure you are normal in your head? How the hell do you expect dr. Lorenzo to make a lower hairline when the patient has so severe hairloss? If he made the hairline lower, like your best friend dr koray Erdogan or dr hakan doganay prob. Would have done, how could This guy achieve a somewhat normal density? Seriously i KNOW you have some kind of agenda or connection with at least 1 clinic in turkey and i Think Many people have realised it to ! 1 Day after you made your account you started talking about the turkish doctors, it was proven that Many users here who aparently was former dr. Hakan patient who Also praise him to the sky exactly like you, that they logged on here on the same IP adress like dr. Hakan, but offcourse the clinic told that all there " patients" was just using he's computer from time to time ?. So please tell all of us why the clinic cant praise Themselfe by letting the results speak for it self rather than having you praising Them and critizise everybody Else?
  18. Where you say he lowered the hairline that is just my natural hair that is longer and pulled down
  19. Hey buddy. Yes you are correct. Lets hope what Xbox says is going to happen. But i havnt seen Any cases where there are new growth After 10 Month post op where i Will be en about 10 days
  20. No my hair is just longer in the 7 Month post op pictures. I Will soon take 10 Month post op pictures an pist Them, but dont get to exsited guys.
  21. I actually feel the same that it is thinning out my hairline
  22. I tried chaneing the time im taking my finasteride but that dosnt help. I will def. Buy some Vitamin D and start taking that. I Will ask my doctor for a scan, because i am very nervous about it and i am Also very tired all the time , no matter how Many hours i sleep.
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