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Everything posted by johnny2000

  1. About your question i dont know what you should do. However i dont Think it looks innaturel at all. Maybe us some toppik? I Think it would help you in the short term? But i would like to know who did your surgery in the hairline? Because i Think it looks very very Nice !! Do you have a before picture i Can see pls?
  2. here is some Pictures of my 7 month Progress with dr. Hakan dodanay in 7 days it will be 7 month post op. feel free to give your opinions
  3. Allright buddy Is it dr. Lorenzo that told you not to Cut the hair for 5 Month? If yes, why is that? Dr hakan told me that it was fine to trim Down after 1 month
  4. I am from Denmark and have follewed him for Many years. Something has happend to his hair and i would desperetly like to know what. It looks fucking good
  5. I wonder This aswell. on my Right side my head Also is different than on the left. It has bigger "bumbs" on Right side. I am only using finasteride and nizoral.
  6. Does anyone knows where to buy prothik hair concealer ? Maybe from a European website, if not Then in a US website? I am currently using toppik but would love to try out prothik, but it is not sold in my country (Denmark) ?
  7. I have been on fin for 4 years. But i was not a nw1,5. i am more than that. i am Also diffuse thining. I Think you guys feel that because the pictures are bad quality. I Will post som Update pictures when i am 7 Month post op, allthough not much to see.
  8. Prob. Right after the World cup when spain dropped out Big time. He prob. Got 2-3 weeks off at that time
  9. True. He has good hair behind so he Well be setteld after This. Oh and he Also has the hottest wide and earn about 20 million dollars a year. Lucky bastard.
  10. Hey guys, look at This Photo hung by BBC Sporf in BBC Sporf's Hangs Who do you Think made his hairtransplant ? The guy os from spain bit play soccer in England. Could it be jose lorenzo?
  11. Like i Said it looks worse in Real life. I dont wanna talk bad about the doctor because maybe the result Will be good. I just dont feel it, but time Will tell. So i Think i need to wait 12 before complaining about it. I just dont have a good cam to take decent pictures, that is why you guys Think it looks good. Here is a picture 1 Day post op
  12. Oh and BTW the picture is before my HT And my hairloss looks worse in Real life
  13. Hi guys. Who do you Think is the best Doc to go to if you want FUE and have thinning on top and receding hairline. Like me (pic attached) i am currently 6 Month post op from a 1300 graft HT but i am currently searching for options here. I dont Think that the outcome Will please me, allthough i it might do i just dont Think so. But i want complain about anything yet because i know i need to wait 6 Month more. I just want to be ahead of This because i feel so sad about my situation and i cant wait 6 Month or maybe more before starting to research and booking and things like that. I want to do it now While i am waiting for my results and then when the 12 Month mark hits i have my second HT all ready to go. I cant wait anymore, i am sad about my hair everyday and it is making my life really bad. The problem is, it is Also effecting my Girlfriend really bad because i am sad 9/10 days. Anybody has some examples of a doctor work with my type of hairloss ? I have e-mailed with dr. Lorenzo but he told me i need to wait to the 12 Month mark before i Can get a consultation
  14. I admit that it does not look good. I know it must be hard and i know that it is not easy, i feel your pain But i Think you May have 1. Last option left I Can see you like to Wear your hair short I Can Also see you have very Nice dark skin. I Can again Also se you have alot of hairs on top of your head But not very close toghether. I Think that if you would get an SMP session, with your hairstyle/color, your skin color And your headshape it would look extremly Well on you Have you considered that? I have not tried it yet but i Think it must be much easier than a HT
  15. Hello buddy, i am very sorry to hear about that. but i Think you should post some pictures before and after and some details like: - how Many grafts -Price -medication It will be easier for people to try to evaluate how Big of a disaster it is. I hope you Will be ok, i feel you because i am in the middle of a HT process Right now And i am Also depressed because i Think it dosnt look like i had hoped, but there must be a solution, even in your case. How bad is the donor?
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