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Everything posted by Slickers

  1. Anour, looking great. I wouldn't worry too much about the crown, looks to be in good shape to me. How's the scar?
  2. Thanks for coming back and updating. Looks great, never doubted it
  3. Great work, and I did I read that right?!..... Just 1200 grafts.... phenomenal.
  4. Kudos Doc. What a turnaround for the guy. Fantastic work. His previous doc should be struck off.
  5. As an Armani FUE patient myself I would say yes that's an extremely unfair comparison. Do you think Armani would stop at 800/900 grafts in one day? Carried out meticulously by himself to ensure maximum yield? Not on your nelly. The same day I was in getting 2000 FUE there was another guy in getting similar. And one of his other patients who I got to know through forums had 5000 FUE grafts in one day, all thanks to a motorised punch used by a tech. Keser doesn't seem to be particular good at communication but from what I've read he doesn't have to be. The suggestion is he's inundated with work and doesn't need to market himself on forums. On that perhaps the jury is out but in this sense alone he couldnt be more different to Armani. Not really sure where you were going that comparison.
  6. I dont know what Dr Meshkin does to grafts but he seems to get double the coverage out of them than most. Great result.
  7. Fantastic for 3.5 months. :eek: Well on your way already....
  8. Dublin, if you're considering FUE I wouldn't consider either Feller or Farjo. Feller I believe prices himself out of it, or at least for the majority, because he either doesnt like doing it and/or believes more in the success/ reliability of FUT. This is just my opinion from what I've read over the years. Farjo I've never seen any FUE results, let alone anything of note. No, of your list when it comes to FUE I would choose Bisanga without a doubt. And seriously consider Lorenzo or that guy in Turkey, his name escapes me just now but seen some truly impressive results from him, a few on here. That's it though. It's far too hit and miss and I would caution against it altogether unless you're adamant that it's your preferred route. Like others I would encourage to review your shortlist having a good look at the best results on here and go from there. If you just do that it's a pretty good start.
  9. One of the guys I've met up with a few times over the years went to H&W, he had had redness for near 6 months before it faded. It's a question of skin type as Raphael and others on your other thread have said. The guy got a great result btw in case you're wondering. Everything looks very normal, relax. :cool:
  10. hey Burned... how's it going? You must be 6 months post op by now, be great to see an update. Hope things are looking good for you.
  11. Dr Diep thanks for the pics. The work looks nice and clean. However for this to be of any real value can you please endeavour to keep us updated with the patients progress. Thanks
  12. Wow. Youre going to be a very happy man in a few months :cool:
  13. Madmog looks like youre coming along great. I've seen v nice results from dr Saifi and that's some clean work. Good growing. Look forward to your updates.

  14. Good surgeon makes all the difference. Another awesome result Dr Konior. I do look forward to your posts :eek:
  15. 4 months wow :eek: Well on your way now. As Raphael says you've come an insanely long way, no wonder you're happy man. Enjoy the next few months mate. Thanks for the update.
  16. Really impressive for 3 months.Given how challenging your case is it's probably already what most would consider a really good final result, Congrats!
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