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Everything posted by SRS

  1. Yeah Glen i tried in past by sopping and symptoms go, so does that mean mino doesn't suits me or anything to do with oiling and shampooing, pl advice. Thanks
  2. Reply still not clear which one is best to use twice a week nizoral 1% or 2%
  3. Hi Bil, I am on mino-5% +Fina and had my transplant 3moths back, itching was not there when i used min with Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo for first 2 months, but with other shampoo its there and purely due to residual of mino. I am using Nizoral aready twice a week, but its still there. Can you pl advice the way to come out of this, and whether any hair oil-(Pl suggest) can be applied and at what time to keep the scalp moisturised. Thanks for the valuable guidance for people like us, through this site
  4. Hi Bil, I am on mino 5% and had my transplant 3months back only,but light itching and dandruff is there which is purely is the residual of min. Can u pl advice the way to come out of it and can i use any hair oil (Pl suggest) and the time to apply the same to keep the scalp moisturised. Thanks for the valuable guidance for people like us through this site.
  5. Due to itching and dandruff, any other mode to stop that. whether any other shampoo is recommended to use with Nizoral.
  6. Hi Bill / Glen, Can u please advice i had my HT in the month of Nov and i started this topical minoxil after almost a month initially tehre was no irritation and itching but after about 1 month and a half a am feeling the same with lot of dandruff, i am using Nizoral as prescribed by this community, but still results the same. Can you please advice what Changes i need to make, to get out of this irritation and whether appling oil after minoxil is ok or i need to stop. Thanks in advance , Rgds
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