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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. I recently dropped Saw Palmetto from my regimen actually, and replaced it with Nettle Root. Having read up on it, Fin + SP are not exactly the best bed buddies, if you know what I mean!



    :eek: So for us nymphomaniacs, you're saying that taking the two together might give us some extra time to get some other productive things done for a change?


    I kid, I kid!! :D;)

  2. Good call Bill! Hoping this was just something gone awry, and not anything to do with physician error/lack of care. There is no 100% satisfaction in the industry.....but consistent results are certainly important. Looking forward to following future procedures from Dr. Madhu more closely!!

  3. I really like Revita and think it has definitely made a huge difference in the texture of my hair. I will be continuing use of the shampoo for several months more just to see if I still like it as much as I think I do currently! =)

  4. I am also on Dr. Reddy's 5 mg Finasteride, and although it is a very reputable and good company as far as pharma goes, there was recently a study done (I think one of our Mod's (Blake?) posted) to indicate that generic finasteride may contain significantly less of the active drug than one would expect, and therefore it may not be entirely effective. There was some concern that a non-generic Finasteride should be used to combat hairloss. I've been on generic Fin/Proscar for 5 years now, and while I think it has been working for me.....now I'm not quite sure and am considering switching (and paying more) for a non-generic version! Maybe one of the mods will have quick access to that article/thread.....and if not, I will try and do a search and find it for you!

  5. No need to worry as everyone else has mentioned. Your grafts are secured/anchored by day 9-10, so it is essentially fine at that point to touch the recipient area without worrying about dislodging and damaging a graft permanently. I would still be as gentle as you can for a while, but it is very unlikely you did any harm in this particular instance.





  6. Yeah, individual follicles enter hair growth stages at different times. Here is a better summary of the events that happen!


    The growing (anagen) phase constitutes about 90% (1000 days or more) of the growth cycle of a hair follicle, while intermediate (catagen phase; 10 days) and shedding (telogen phase; 100 days) phases constitute only 10% of it. That is, at a given time, about 10% of hair follicles are in the intermediate and shedding phases; thus, not growing. These hair follicles, however, are randomly distributed over the scalp, so that no bald spots are seen.



    90% of your follicles are growing at most all times.....which is why you don't see a mass shed of the follicles all at the same time. It would seem as though because you have all of your grafts transplanted at the same time, that they would mature and enter the three stages together at the same time.....but this just isn't how it works. The follicles all have a unique life, and therefore enter the different stages when they are (genetically) ready to do so!

  7. Well, albeit a very sparse spread as far as coverage goes, it is a nice improvement none-the-less, and looks to have helped frame your face better! Congratulations.....I'm glad you had such a great experience as well from this clinic....as the other forum members who I've spoken with have as well. Do you mind telling me what you paid (all inclusive)? You can PM me if you don't wish to share with the whole forum......or if you don't want to share this information at all! Also, where did you have to travel from? You said that Health Travel International arranged all your flights, but didn't know where your origination point was! Congrats again on your new look, buddy!!


    So I have a confusion whether to undergo transplant or not. So Please suggest me for below queries

    1) Are these medicines are harmfull ( Keratexyl and Q-sera lotions)

    2) Does it look good if i get transplant only in frontal side of the head?

    3) Is body hair transplant successful?

    4) How many months required for complete growth which can combable?

    5) What will happen to the mark at backside? is it permanent and visible?

    6) Is FUE possible after FUT?



    First off, sorry about your present situation and the depression/anxiety you are experiencing. I will try and answer your questions as best as possible.


    1.) I really doubt that there is anything to worry about with these medications. If they are something being prescribed/recommended by a physician you are probably okay. I would look them up online to get additional information before you begin any treatment anyway.


    2.) As long as you have realistic expectations on what this is going to achieve for you....then I'd say it's possible. However, I personally wouldn't be happy without a full head of hair, so I can't say that I'd go through a procedure (Time and Money), to have results that are less than I would want. That would make me even more depressed, and personally I'd rather just shave my head entirely.


    3.) There are several cases of successful BHT's on these forums. Have a look throughout the various threads....because I certainly think that it is an option for some people. Keep in mind though that at a NW VI, you would need a LOT of coverage on top to cover all that scalp......so again, you need to have fairly realistic expectations before you proceed with ANY procedure.


    4.) You are not going to get an "accurate" assessment of how successful your procedure is until at least 12 months after. Most people will have noticeable growth by 6-9 months, but I wouldn't say you'd see the final result until 18 months or so post-op!!


    5.) I'm confused on what is being asked here? Are you asking about the markings they use to map out your hairline/graft placement design, or are you talking about the scar that is left from a hair transplant?!


    6.) Many patients (myself included) are eligible to receive both FUSS and FUE. Once your FUSS reserves are exhausted, many physicians can get extra grafts from FUE....that they couldn't from the strip procedure. As you mentioned, you also have the possibility of body hair to use on top of the other two.....so you have a few options.


    The only advice I have for you, is don't jump into this. I'd spend some time in the forums and do some more research before you spend the time and money. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but based on your consultations with the doctors you've already seen, your options for graft extraction from your head (your donor area) seems limited. It will be important to have REALISTIC expectations. Also, and this is my honest opinion, the physician who told you that he would share patient "befores" and "afters" with you AFTER you booked your procedure, should be eliminated from your list. I wouldn't ever trust a clinic with my head or my money, who couldn't provide me those resources immediately upon my request. A good practice should have ZERO to hide.....so I would urge you to strongly reconsider booking with that particular establishment.


    Hope that helps a little. Best of luck, and keep us posted on what you decide!



  9. So agenteye now since u had strip what do you think about that as compared to FUE..would you prefer one over the other..what made you choose FUT ..I see you got 4737 grafts so was that the reason.I am just scared of the scar and any future pain or anything weird.



    Hi there!


    To answer your question......you are correct in assuming that the strip was the best option for a procedure my size. I wanted to maximize the amount of grafts I got.....and I feel as if strip is still the gold standard for successful graft growth in surgeries my size. I am of course seeing LOTS of amazing FUE results recently....and all fairly large procedures.....but I couldn't really justify the cost. I think wearing my hair a bit longer suits me better anyway, and my scar is healing so well, you can barely see it....even at shorter lengths!! I know I made the right decision for me, and frankly.....FUSS isn't that bad in terms of recovery. If you can afford FUE or like to wear your hair shorter...you might consider sticking with that plan.......but again, don't rule out FUSS entirely if you think it may produce a better option for you in the long run?!


    Hope that helps!



  10. AliPDX-


    Welcome to the forums! I totally agree with David about doing your research. Dr. Doganay definitely does consistently great work.......however, chances of you getting in to his clinic as just a walk-in patient is probably pretty low....as I'm sure the majority of his patients/procedures are scheduled WAY in advance. With that said, I think getting a transplant last minute (limited time and limited $) is foolish; in my honest opinion. Hair restoration is something that should have ample research involved before you take the leap.....and I can't suggest it enough when I say to DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! The physicians recommended on the Hair Transplant Network have been selected for a reason....and they undergo strict evaluation for inclusion on this site. Plus, a 4-5K graft procedure could be disastrous if you fall into the wrong hands. Not only will you have blown all that cash, but you might simultaneously blow more than half your available grafts....which would greatly limit any future/corrective work you may need if the procedure your contemplating doesn't go to plan!!!


    Again, I'm not trying to be a "negative Nancy" here or say that the clinic you mentioned doesn't produce excellent results.....but I'm with David in saying to be careful in proceeding with something so short-notice and unplanned. I urge you not to do something potentially risky!!


    Whatever you decide though, best of luck.....and please keep us posted!





  11. I definitely don't recommend flying back so soon after your procedure. I would wait a few days at the very least. I flew back just a few days after my transplant, and wish I would have waited.....as I boarded the plane with swelling like crazy!! =) Hahaha. I had strip though.....so if you're having FUE....you might be a little better off flying sooner!

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