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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. KevinJames-


    5 months is ENTIRELY too early to tell whether or not your transplant was a success........as some people don't even start growing their hair (rare as it may be) until then. So I certainly would not worry about it this early on. You'll want to wait a year to judge the true results. If you are still concerned, maybe bring it up with your physician?! Is this "light" spot indeed an area that received some of the transplanted grafts, or is there a possibility that this was some of your native hair that was just miniaturized and was lost after the procedure? Again....I wouldn't worry at this stage. I'm sure everything is going to work out just fine!!


    Do you have any photos you could post for us to better help you??

  2. Nice. Looking good for 2 months hairIcome!! Going to be a great result in the skilled hands of Dr. Konior. Are you taking supplements/Rogaine to help "speed" the growth process at all? I was an early sprouter too, so am just curious......


    Congrats on your 60 day milestone........


    Most everything else from this point is fun, as you get to start watching things GROW!!

  3. Nice. Looking good for 2 months hairIcome!! Going to be a great result in the skilled hands of Dr. Konior. Are you taking supplements/Rogaine to help "speed" the growth process at all? I was an early sprouter too, so am just curious......


    Congrats on your 60 day milestone........


    Most everything else from this point is fun, as you get to start watching things GROW!!

  4. Greatjob-


    GREAT JOB INDEED! Congrats buddy! Look at all that new hair. Month 4-6 alone was a huge transformation for you....and seeing where you started pre-op is really terrific. Dr. Rahal works magic.......and you should be thrilled.


    I too am considering round two very shortly.....as I have the same "downfall" as you do!! haha.


    Congrats again though......you should definitely be happy with that result!!

  5. If the hat is going to potentially rub against and dislodge recently transplanted grafts, I certainly wouldn't risk wearing a hat until at least 9-10 days post-op when your follicles become completely anchored. Anything before that, could cause your grafts to come out prior to them being permanently anchored in your scalp. Each physician has different recommendations....so I would talk to your physician to see what he or she recommends. Frankly, I wouldn't take the chance.......or I would wear an extremely loose-fitting hat that didn't touch the graft site at all. Hope that helps......

  6. 5 months post op? Your transplanted grafts are completely secure!! You have nothing to worry about whatsoever, and my guess is that the scalp is just irritated from the close contact with the clippers. The music must have been really loud (or the barber extremely lazy) if he mistook a haircut for a buzz cut! It's not funny, but it made me laugh a little when I got the visual.......

  7. Yeah, I've definitely heard of several patients getting it, but to be honest I don't really know too much about it; or the perceived benefits of it. I think someone a little more experienced in the forums-either a senior member or a moderator-will chime in and better assist you with that.


    Again, as far as the vitamins are concerned.....it certainly couldn't do any harm. I'm sure it's very different for each individual, but I feel like since I started taking biotin, MSM, b-complex, and the fish-oil supplements....my hair characteristics have definitely improved for the better. Just depends on if you want to spend the extra money or not.....

  8. Muddy-


    How much time do you have in between your procedure and starting back to practice/play?? As James mentioned.......you would need about 9 days to make sure your grafts are secure, but even at that, you're supposed to take it easy for a bit. Also, are you having strip or FUE done for your procedure, as that will most likely affect your healing time a bit as well?! I would talk to your physician and see what his individual post-op care instructions are, as his advice will best determine when you can get back to your regular routine.

  9. I was just teasing you a bit man. The work looks clean.....I think the only concern with the members of this forum (myself included), is that Dr. Diep might have extracted some of your grafts from the "unsafe zone".....which potentially means that you might lose the hairs later on down the line if they are not DHT resistant follicles.......it's not a guarantee, but something that could happen along the way.


    As far as supplements, I don't know how beneficial any of them really are.....I only know that a lot of them are recommended for hair loss. I think that it would be argued that the average person gets enough supplement from their regular diet, and therefore doesn't need anything at all.....and that very well may be true. I think the biotin and the MSM, along with a multi-vitamin are always good, and are most likely (if any) to help with hair growth/maturation. I would take a b-complex vitamin as well. Also, once the recommended amount of time has passed since your procedure, I'd look into starting Rogaine/minoxidil if you aren't currently using it. I think that Rogaine definitely helped to give me a jump start on the early growth.

  10. Arayan-


    The Minoxidil should be a good start to at least address/halt the hair loss in your crown. As far as your other statement......I would agree that you should wait until August or September to judge the result. Maybe you're just getting some really late growth, but I must admit that it's not looking promising!


    As far as choosing your doctor......location should never be a factor in deciding......especially when it comes to something so critical as a hair restoration surgery. Unfortunately, a lot of surgeons use the internet/his or her website to attract people to come in for a restoration with them. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of overall physicians in the industry produce consistently excellent results!


    You seem like a really nice guy, and I'm sorry that it didn't work out so well for you with the first procedure. However, don't get discouraged. It is still very possible you'll get some extra growth....and if not, at least you only had 1,000 grafts done this time around......so you can use your remaining donor supply when you find a surgeon (preferably one recommended on this site) to perform your next procedure.





  11. I'm really confused as to why this patient has a scar/sutures at the hairline at all?! I thought at first my eyes were playing a trick on me with the first photo....but then I realized that those were really sutures? I am somewhat new to the whole HT thing in general....but what kind of procedure utilizes this approach to a restoration? Wouldn't the grafts be harvested from the rear of the head and transplanted with custom cut recipient areas for individual graft placement? I wouldn't want a giant scar across the front of my head.....but I guess if the patient is happy? It looks like a good enough result/outcome, otherwise!

  12. Hahaha. Well, maybe it's a bit harsh/critical of me.....but he's just losing it at an alarming rate. If one is royalty and in the public eye as much as Prince William is.....wouldn't one want to look his or her best?


    I have mixed feelings about this.


    Part of me thinks: I have a lot of money....I'm a Prince.....I have a beautiful wife.....I want to have my hair back.


    The other part of me thinks: I have lots of money.....I'm a Prince.....I have a beautiful wife.....who gives a $hit what these people think?!


    I guess it might be hard to get a hair transplant at his state of loss if you were trying to be subtle/discreet about it.....because everyone would know that he had it done. But if he didn't care about that, that would be my top celebrity pick!!!!

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