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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Hi Johnny-


    I am really happy with where I am so far, but when I think about it in terms of how much I spent to have it done (I could have bought a car); and the fact that I still want to get another 3000-3500 grafts done to fill in the density in my crown and mid-scalp...well, staying in North America seems so expensive! It seems that there are so many top results coming out of other countries right now.....and at 1.00-1.26/graft (and with the result photos that I'm seeing).....it seems to be a much better value!! It's not to say that I'm dead-set on going abroad, I am just really considering it. I am not the kind of person that would sacrifice the quality of the result I'm going to get to save money.....but if I can get a result like some of these that I'm seeing on here....for a FRACTION of the cost of what it costs to have a restoration done in the USA/Canada....well, I'm all for it! Factor in the fact that I'm a big jet-setter here, and it makes sense to use an overseas procedure as an excuse to take a vacation! hahaha! =)

  2. Janna-


    Thanks so much. After your last post, I made sure there were absolutely ZERO Mickey Mouse blankets in the background; and then I realized that I was wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt in my most recent photos. I will never live this down, I just cannot win!!! =)




    Thanks buddy. Hoping the growth doesn't stop here, but if it does, I too would be happy!! I'm looking forward to going through the photos of some of the people on these forums who have had restorations done overseas, and finding a surgeon to finish everything up for me next year. Hopefully in 2 years from now, it will look as if I never lost a hair from my head in my life........ =)

  3. Hey guys!


    Thank you all for your feedback and nice words!! It's much appreciated!


    @ Spanker- I have been on Fin for 6 years or better now.......It seems to have definitely slowed my loss for me quite a bit. Dr. Rahal categorized me as a NW IV, possibly on my way to a 5......but said that I have pretty above average density and that he should be able to get close to another 4000 grafts by FUT....and then most likely more by FUE if I needed them. Even though I will most likely seek a HT overseas for a second procedure, I think I am in an okay position. Adding another 3000-3500 grafts at some point in the future should suffice to fill in the "weak spots" nicely, including those in my crown and my mid-scalp!

  4. I really like Dr. Charles work as well, and I think you were in great hands newhair11. Congratulations on your procedure buddy, and I wish the best for you in terms of growth and happiness with your results in the upcoming months!! I like the hairline design and think you look to be in great shape at the 8-day mark! Keep us posted on your progress throughout your journey!





  5. Hello Everyone-


    Hope this update finds everyone happy and well? It was a shame to get online tonight to post my 7 month post-op update and hear that James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) passed away today!! I watched the show for years....only 51 years old! RIP Mr. Soprano!!!!


    In slightly happier news, I am writing in to post my current photos. I am now 7 full months in from my 4737 graft transplant with Dr. Rahal. Nothing much has changed here, except for my crown is starting to grow in a bit better. Finally! No huge changes from 5 months til now, but I am still happy and looking forward to the continued density that will slowly occur over the next year. I am still getting really positive feedback from friends and family alike.


    Me personally? I am still pretty happy with my results up to this point. I still only have on slight issue with some shock loss that doesn't seem to be growing back around my donor area.....hoping that when I have a 2nd procedure sometime next year that the new scar that is created will eliminate that altogether (or maybe even FUE this next time)? Also considering going to Turkey or somewhere in Asia to have my second procedure done. Sounds like a great excuse for a vacation, and some of the results I'm seeing out of that part of the World look to be amazing....and such a better value than the clinics in North America. I want a little better bang for my buck the next go-around!! With that said though, I think I made an excellent choice in physician for my first procedure and I think the improvement up until this point has been great for my self-esteem! :)


    The photo album (with link below) was taken exactly 7 months from my procedure. As always, I tried to snap the photos in very natural lighting, and very harsh lighting.....to make my hair appear in the most undesirable way possible. I think it looks much better in person than it does in these photos. To remain consistent with quality and accuracy, I continue to shoot the photos with the camera on my iPhone 4S. Some of the photos are slightly blurry, but give you a very good general idea of where I am. The photos this time around (as in all other instances with previous photos) were taken with absolutely zero product in my hair. The photos taken in the Mickey Mouse shirt are of me in my car and outside in full sun-light (something I haven't done up until this point). I think it is important going forward to document the way my hair looks outside, as everything up to this point has been in a house with bright and natural lighting only. The photos of me with my shirt off were taken in my house in various angles to try and show my hair in a similar setting as all my other albums to this point. The last set of photos (in the yellow shirt) were taken by my best friend's wife at their house. I made sure to have her get all angles, including the top of my head. I get a lot of PM's asking me why the top of my head (mid-scalp) looks so thin/isn't growing in well. In all honesty, I DID NOT have any grafts placed here.....I was told by Dr. Rahal that I was going to need a second procedure done at some point to address other areas, so he obviously didn't feel the need to address this part of my scalp during my first procedure!! I figure when I get my second procedure done, I will seek out an excellent physician who is terrific at mid-scalp and crown work, and I will finish the job up properly!!


    As always, please feel free to leave any questions/comments!! This forum is an excellent source of information and support, and I hope to continue to give back to the community in any way I can.


    Thanks for reading guys, and hope all is well with all of you! Oh, and sorry for the mountain-man beard I've been working on the last couple of weeks. I've never grown my facial hair out like this before, so I thought it would be fun to see how bushy I can get the thing. I give myself a couple of weeks before I throw in the towel and sacrifice the beard to a good shave..... for an itch-free face again!! :cool::D







  6. Still lots of time for a great result.....some people definitely are slower growers. Furthermore, being in Dr. Feller's hands will help to ensure a great outcome in the end. I mimic what Spex mentioned above.....the MSM and Biotin I take daily, with the Rogaine on the recipient area made it come in EXTRA quick for me. I don't know if that's what caused me to grow so fast, but as soon as I started taking the Biotin and MSM, my locks started rocketing!!! My hair definitely seems healthier since I've started with the supplements as well......

  7. Can't-


    As always buddy, thanks so much for the support!!! :D I still to this day do not know where/how the 4737 grafts were distributed......haha, I should probably ask Dr. Rahal and team to see if they documented the distribution of the grafts so I can be better equipped to answer other forum member questions here....seems to be a pretty commonly asked question.


    I do know that it made a decent difference in what I've had come in so far, and I think it's going to continue to do so, as the crown has certainly come in slower than any of the other recipient areas (which I was expecting)!! Here are several before photos I took a month before my restoration surgery, at the Rahal clinic on procedure day, and then immediately post-op. Hopefully they will help to highlight my pre-op state and give you an idea of what the size of the area where grafts were placed into my crown!! I think it looks pretty decent so far, but it's hard not to get a little hair greed.....especially when I see a stud like you, and the results/difference that your restoration made in your looks. It's still early days for me.....so again, I don't want to make any decisions on further work until I get to at least 18 months from this first round.......









  8. Hello Everyone-


    Hope you guys are all having a terrific Memorial Day weekend.....been beautiful here in Nevada!!!


    I am just writing in to post my current photos. I am now 6 full months in from my 4737 graft transplant with Dr. Rahal. Unfortunately, nothing really too exciting to report from my last month post and photos....hair may be increasing in density a bit, but the change has been very slight and gradual. No surprises really, I was mostly expecting it. :rolleyes:


    Overall, I am still very happy with my results up to this point. In looking at photos however, I have decided that I will definitely be going back for a second procedure to thicken up some areas, including the bridge (where there were no grafts placed) and maybe some extra crown work. Unfortunately, having dark hair such as mine....you can see all the areas that are thin and contrast with the scalp. This will be much later on down the line, as I am pretty content with the way things have shaped up to be currently. I think it is safe to say, that there was a pretty substantial change when you compare my pre-op photos to where I am today. I figure I will get some added density in the upcoming months ahead, and that will make me a little less self-conscious about my hair than I am as I write this update!


    The photo album (with link below) was taken exactly 6 months from my procedure. As always, I tried to snap the photos in very natural lighting, and very harsh lighting.....to make my hair appear in the most undesirable way possible. I think it looks much better in person than it does in these photos. To remain consistent with quality and accuracy, I continue to shoot the photos with the camera on my iPhone 4S. Some of the photos are slightly blurry, but give you a very good general idea of where I am. The photos this time around were taken with absolutely zero product in my hair. The photos taken in the green and blue shirt are of me without a haircut......and then I clipped my hair immediately after with a 4-guard on the sides and a 6-guard on top. The photos in the "Haus Bicycle" shirt were taken the same day, immediately after my haircut.


    As always, please feel free to leave any questions/comments!! This forum is an excellent source of information and support, and I hope to continue to give back to the community in any way I can.


    Thanks for reading guys, and hope all is well with all of you!




    Mike :cool:



  9. Hello Everyone-


    Hope you guys are all having a terrific Memorial Day weekend.....been beautiful here in Nevada!!!


    I am just writing in to post my current photos. I am now 6 full months in from my 4737 graft transplant with Dr. Rahal. Unfortunately, nothing really too exciting to report from my last month post and photos....hair may be increasing in density a bit, but the change has been very slight and gradual. No surprises really, I was mostly expecting it. :rolleyes:


    Overall, I am still very happy with my results up to this point. In looking at photos however, I have decided that I will definitely be going back for a second procedure to thicken up some areas, including the bridge (where there were no grafts placed) and maybe some extra crown work. Unfortunately, having dark hair such as mine....you can see all the areas that are thin and contrast with the scalp. This will be much later on down the line, as I am pretty content with the way things have shaped up to be currently. I think it is safe to say, that there was a pretty substantial change when you compare my pre-op photos to where I am today. I figure I will get some added density in the upcoming months ahead, and that will make me a little less self-conscious about my hair than I am as I write this update!


    The photo album (with link below) was taken exactly 6 months from my procedure. As always, I tried to snap the photos in very natural lighting, and very harsh lighting.....to make my hair appear in the most undesirable way possible. I think it looks much better in person than it does in these photos. To remain consistent with quality and accuracy, I continue to shoot the photos with the camera on my iPhone 4S. Some of the photos are slightly blurry, but give you a very good general idea of where I am. The photos this time around were taken with absolutely zero product in my hair. The photos taken in the green and blue shirt are of me without a haircut......and then I clipped my hair immediately after with a 4-guard on the sides and a 6-guard on top. The photos in the "Haus Bicycle" shirt were taken the same day, immediately after my haircut.


    As always, please feel free to leave any questions/comments!! This forum is an excellent source of information and support, and I hope to continue to give back to the community in any way I can.


    Thanks for reading guys, and hope all is well with all of you!




    Mike :cool:



  10. Heya Can't!! Long time no talk buddy! I think your plan sounds great! I really don't understand your need to finish so strong, as your hair already looks so terrific; especially when you see where you came from when you first started your journey. At any rate, I do understand that self-confidence is important, and I say "if you can do it, go for it". You've always been a huge inspiration to me with your results, and were one of the main influences for me to choose Dr. Rahal for my restoration procedure. Wishing you the best of luck for "Round 2", and can't wait to see the final result!





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