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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Slickers,


    I'm SO happy for you buddy that your big day finally came and went. I knew it was coming up and wanted to send you a PM, but things in my life have been so crazy to say the least!! I just hit my 6 month post-op date, ironically the same day as your procedure!!! Looking at your pictures, the work looks INCREDIBLE....super clean as is always the case with Rahal!! You can forget the 60% yield you got out of your first transplant, as this time around is going to exceed all of your expectations. I am looking forward to following you throughout your entire journey!! I have a feeling I'm going to experience some hair envy when I see your final result!! Congrats again buddy, you deserve it!





  2. BJ-


    Always nice hearing about others' experiences with Dr. Rahal. I think your hair looks great already, and still a long way to go! Factor in the fact that you have light-colored hair, and you will be pleasantly surprised at what a difference those 1400 grafts will make. I have really dark hair, so even my 4800 grafts don't create the same illusion of density when contrasted with my scalp. Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing about your progress along the way.





  3. Nick,


    Congrats on your procedure buddy. Trust me when I say it's frustrating to not be able to have an unlimited donor supply, but I echo what everyone else here says about it being a well-thought out hairline design.....Dr. Shapiro wouldn't lead you wrong!! Once the hair starts growing in, I think you're going to be a really happy camper. Given that you had a large number of 3-hair groups, you're going to get the advantage of a denser outcome as well. I am just 6 months post-op from my almost 4800 graft surgery....and I can say that having hair again.....even if it's not the amount I want to have.....has made a huge impact on my overall self-confidence. I am looking forward to following you on your journey!! Congrats, and thanks for sharing such a detailed account of your experience with the rest of the forums!





  4. LuckyLlama,


    Congrats buddy. You were in good hands indeed, and I can't wait to follow your results along your journey! That is a CRAZY number of 4's that you got out of your procedure! Those with the 3's you got will help you out TREMENDOUSLY.....so that was a nice break for you there! :D Wishing the very best for you in the upcoming months......its amazing just how quickly the time flies, and before you know it you will have a full head!!





  5. Well hello again everyone!! Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Summer. Sorry I haven't made a presence much in the last few weeks....been going through some huge life changes here!!


    So I originally posted this post, as all my other photo updates up until now, in my original thread that I first created after my restoration. I have received several private messages stating that I should be creating a new thread each time I update my progress, so that people are more likely to see it and better follow my progress.....so I'm trying this again, and will keep each update separate going forward. Sorry to all of you who have already read this....I apologize for the Deja Vu!!!


    This post is meant to share photos of my progress up to this point. In a few days, I will be 5 months post-op from my procedure. I'm posting a little early, because I didn't know if I'd be readily available this week to take and post photos....so I snapped these photos last weekend instead. I really can't believe how quickly time flew the last month......and it's unreal to see the progress I've made so far (with hopefully a lot of improvements left to come).


    My hair has definitely filled in QUITE A LOT.....and seems to be growing almost everywhere that received transplanted hair. It is still overall very thin as far as density goes, but again, it's only 5 months. I seriously feel 10 years younger when I look in the mirror. I no longer wake up every morning and look in the mirror and get depressed about "how I'm going to cover my head today".


    The right side of my head (and obviously my crown) is a little slower-growing than the left side still. I also still have a tiny bit of shock loss where my scar is on the left side. I took one close up photo in my album (sorry for the poor quality of that particular shot), to highlight the way my hair is growing back in that spot. I am not too worried about it at this point, and it seems to be getting better all the time.


    Most all of the numbness has worn off completely now....every once in a while I can feel a little numbness in the crown area of my head, but no more phantom pains or sensations. I generally feel really good and have been hitting the gym quite a lot lately. Getting in good shape along with some new hair has definitely improved my self-confidence a good amount. On a scale of 1-10 on how positively this hair restoration has impacted me thus far, I give it a solid 7....and hopefully a 10 at the 18-month mark. :rolleyes:


    Below are photos taken with my iPhone 4S in a variety of different rooms and lighting. I had too many photos to upload here individually, so just click on the blue link below to take you straight to my 5 month post-op album. The first 6 photos are FRESH out of the shower....with my hair soaking wet!! The rest of the photos in my album are all either dry completely, or I have styling wax in there. There are no concealers being used, and no alteration of any of the images. Sorry for any with poorer image quality....I did my best! =) Feel free to check out my pre-op photos and the other month milestone updates in my other photos.....there is an album for each month since my transplant with Dr. Rahal.


    As always, all comments/questions are most welcomed. I am looking forward to seeing what changes my hair makes in the next month.....as I will FINALLY be 6 months by then!


    Thanks for reading guys!






    Agenteye's 5 month Post-Op Photo Album

  6. Well hello again everyone!! Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Summer. Sorry I haven't made a presence much in the last few weeks....been going through some huge life changes here!! :D


    I just wanted to take a brief moment to write in and update my thread with some new photos of my progress up to this point. In a few days, I will be 5 months post-op from my procedure. I'm posting a little early, because I didn't know if I'd be readily available this week to take and post photos....so I snapped these photos last weekend instead. I really can't believe how quickly time flew the last month......and it's unreal to see the progress I've made so far (with hopefully a lot of improvements left to come).


    My hair has definitely filled in QUITE A LOT.....and seems to be growing almost everywhere that received transplanted hair. It is still overall very thin as far as density goes, but again, it's only 5 months. I seriously feel 10 years younger when I look in the mirror. I no longer wake up every morning and look in the mirror and get depressed about "how I'm going to cover my head today".


    The right side of my head (and obviously my crown) is a little slower-growing than the left side still. I also still have a tiny bit of shock loss where my scar is on the left side. I took one close up photo in my album (which I provided a link to below), to highlight the way the my hair is growing back in that spot. I am not too worried about it at this point, and it seems to be getting better all the time.


    Most all of the numbness has worn off completely now....every once in a while I can feel a little numbness in the crown area of my head, but no more phantom pains or sensations. I generally feel really good and have been hitting the gym quite a lot lately. Getting in good shape along with some new hair has definitely improved my self-confidence a good amount. On a scale of 1-10 on how positively this hair restoration has impacted me thus far, I give it a solid 7....and hopefully a 10 at the 18-month mark.


    Below are photos taken with my iPhone 4S in a variety of different rooms and lighting. The first 6 photos are FRESH out of the shower....with my hair soaking wet!! The rest of the photos in my album are all either dry completely, or I have styling wax in there. There are no concealers being used, and no alteration of any of the images. Sorry for any with poorer image quality....I did my best! =)


    As always, all comments/questions are most welcomed. I am looking forward to seeing what changes my hair makes in the next month.....as I will FINALLY be 6 months by then!


    Thanks for reading guys!







  7. 42?!?! Wow, doesn't look like it at all from your photos. Maybe it's that new head of hair of yours, but I think you look great.....finding a new woman should be a piece of cake now. 5 months still means you're going to thicken up A LOT, so don't think you've seen the end result. I am hitting 5 months next week. I am discouraged a bit about the thickness/density of my restoration, however the coverage has exceeded my expectations so far. Very happy for you! Try not to hit that new hair on anymore walls :-)

  8. I know it still looks thin, and there's no 'WOW' factor yet, but for me, it's exciting because I know this is just the beginning.


    I said to myself I wouldn't stress about the growth, so instead of having the mentality that it's not thick yet, I'm not where I'm supposed to be, I'm appreciate and thankful of any growth whatsoever.


    One thing everyone has said, is that there is now a shape to the hairline. Doesn't matter that the hair still needs to mature, the illusion has already been created.


    Really well said krisl, that's a terrific attitude to have. On top of it, your hair looks really great, and you should be over the moon with the transformation.....not only where you are after 5 months, but to where you're going to be in another 5!!! Really happy for you, and looking forward to seeing what the months ahead hold! Please keep us updated, as I will be following your progress!! :D

  9. 6 Months!! Man, I can't wait to get to that point.....I have a couple months to go! Looking really good so far buddy, obviously a very noticeable difference from before, and I hear month 7-9 is when things really start taking off! Congratulations on your procedure, and I'm sure you're thrilled so far!! I look forward to following your progress along your journey! :D





  10. I just wanted to chime in and say that I've been using Revita shampoo for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and I am really enjoying the product so far. It definitely seems to be making my hair a bit healthier (at least from my perception), and from what I understand is a lot less harsh than Nizoral?! You are actually encouraged to shampoo with the Revita at least 5 times a week, to which I follow the instructions. I am 4 months and a little over a week from my hair restoration with Dr. Rahal, and my hair seems to like the shampoo and the vitamins I am using in conjunction with it. Not that my opinion matters.....but for what it's worth........ =)

  11. Spanker,


    Holy crapola buddy, does your hair ever look AMAZING. I just hit 4 months from my transplant, and can only hope my hair looks half as good as yours does in 4 more months. You must just be thrilled with the results. You deserve it, congrats again buddy! Can't wait to see your update again, and hope the next few months bring you even more good things.





  12. Hello Everyone-


    Hope you guys are all enjoying some beautiful Spring weather like we are in Nevada this weekend! It's that time again.....another month in the books and I am finally 4 months out from my procedure. Man, does time just fly by!!!


    I am happy to report that things are moving along fine here. Although there hasn't been much new growth or density since my last post, you can compare my 4 month photos with the ones I took at 3 months, and see that I have definitely let my hair grow out long, and that I have stopped buzzing it with clippers. My scar is almost completely covered now, and I am going to continue to let it grow out a bit to see what the next couple of months have in store for me. Aside from a little shock loss still on the left side of my head in my donor area.....and a slower growing region on the right side of my recipient area......I feel my scalp is taking to the changes as well as can be expected for such a large procedure. I was hoping that I would have more density at this point, but everyone keeps assuring me that I am right on track to where I should be at this stage. My family definitely notices a HUGE difference in my hair from where I was before my transplant procedure. It's hard to gauge when you look at yourself in the mirror every day, but looking back at my pre-op photos, it is definitely easy to see that my hair restoration has made a very big and positive difference in my looks! I feel I look a bit younger and generally have a bit more confidence (Except the occasional low-blow of Disney blanket comments in the background of my photos....JANNA!!) Hahahaha. =)


    I continue to take my daily regimens of vitamins, Rogaine and Fin!! I also bought a special shampoo (Revita) that was recommended on this website, and have been shampooing with it 5 times/week as recommended by the manufacturer. I feel that it is actually helping with the characteristics of my hair and scalp....and that generally everything feels healthier up there!


    As always, your input and questions are very welcomed. I appreciate the support on here tremendously....and look forward to seeing what the next few months hold for me. Below are my photos taken exactly 4 months post-op. I am now 4 months and almost 2 weeks as I write this post today....so will be taking 5 month photos in just a few more weeks. I will certainly share the results at that time to show you how I am progressing.


    Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!








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