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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Janna-


    Hahahahaha! That made me laugh out loud! I was actually at my Mother's for dinner when I took those......I can assure you that my home has ZERO Disney paraphanelia in it! Justin Bieber posters on the other hand......that's a different story!!! ;-) And I have been on Rogaine about 2 years prior to my procedure, and Fin for about 5 or 6 years!! I discontinued both about 3 months before my procedure, and started again at the recommended time after my transplant.


    Can't Decide-


    Sorry for the delayed response in getting back to you. I had a total of 10,163 hairs total with my 4737 graft transplant. At this point, I was hoping to have more of a noticeable amount of density, but overall am happy and understand these things take time. I will be posting my 4 month update and photos this weekend!!




    Thanks a million pal!!!



    Thanks for all the nice comments and wishes everyone!! I appreciate it as always!



  2. Wow JohnnyDrama, that's quite an action packed itinerary you've got there. Sounds like a long (and fun weekend). It is definitely very cool that you are doing this and sharing your impressions with the community. I have seen some great work come out of all of these Docs, so I am excited to see a side-by-side comparison of all of them. I think a lot of times when people compare things.....there is too much time between to remember details and specifics. By cramming all of this into a short amount of time, you're going to remember things vividly....and therefore will be able to make a more accurate assessment. I really love Bisanga and Feriduni's work....but am excited to see what you think of the other two in person!


    I look forward to seeing your next update. Thanks so much for sharing.





  3. Rahael, thanks buddy! Always a pleasure to have someone so near to me in procedure time, and to have the support and understanding we have with one another! I was excited to see your recent updates as well......and thanks for the PM!! Things are definitely coming right along, and now that I am growing my hair out long for the first time.....it's going to be a true test of how it all looks at a longer length!

    Thanks to everyone else who has read and commented on my threads and updates, and the PM's from you all as well! It has been super encouraging and positive to hear your input and comments throughout my journey. Everyone here has been such a tremendous network of support and inspiration, and I can't wait to see what lies in the days ahead for me....and for all of you as well!! :cool:


    Best everyone!!!



  4. Well guys.....I made it to the 3 month mark, finally!! I am happy to say that I am seeing some early growth, and things are filling in as they should be for this stage of the game. I just buzzed my head down for the last time on Tuesday.......using a set of clippers and a 1-guard. It was as short as I could get it without actually shaving my head. Now (going forward)....I am just going to let it grow, to give me an idea of what it will look like longer. I'm looking forward to not having to cover my scar with a hat anymore! :cool:


    Meanwhile.....I continue to take my Finateride, and use my Rogaine foam twice daily!! I also continue to take all of the vitamins and supplements that are listed in my signature. It is really crazy to me to see the changes in just the last month. My family is shocked/amazed that the hair that has started growing in looks so "natural". I have to remind them that it is natural, because it is my own hair!! There are so many people who still have the idea that hair transplants look "pluggy"....a thing of the past! So when they see my head and the ultra-clean, natural results that I have gotten thus far......well, it is definitely awesome to see the "shocked" look on everyone's face!! And people definitely notice "something diffferent" about me!! :D:cool:


    This has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions I've ever made....and I'm not even done growing yet. I feel like a new person in general....so for anyone considering having a transplant (if you are on the fence); I say GO FOR IT!! Do your research of course....but it really can make you feel like you have some of your youth/good-looks/confidence back!!!


    Below are photos taken exactly 90 days after my procedure. It has been the longest 3 months of my life, but it has absolutely been worth the wait. I keep hearing good things about what the next 2 months have in store for growth, so I am looking forward to seeing how my hair changes between now and then. As always, if you have any questions or comments for me at all, please reach out! Hope everyone is having a terrific weekend :D






    3 Month Post-Op Photos- Folder 1


    3 Month Post-Op Photos- Folder 2

  5. Hahaha....Thanks Davis!!! I'm a big lover....not a fighter....but I appreciate the compliment all the same! There is definitely graft work done in the crown as well as in the front of my head.....I had a total of 4737 grafts, but I don't know what percentage of those went in the crown and which went in my frontal part....as crown work usually sucks up more of the grafts, so probably took a decent amount of the grafts!! =) Feel free to look at my original write-up and posts, as there are some photos of my head right after surgery. It will help give you a better idea of where I started, and where I am today!

  6. Thanks Everyone for the nice words and wishes!!! :D


    Alexiodg- In answer to your question buddy.....I'm not using dermatch or toppik for my head. I have only been wearing a ball cap to cover the scar. I just buzzed my hair down for the last time earlier this week now, and plan to just let it grow from here on out. I have a feeling my scar will be covered in the next week or two.....and then I'd feel comfortable with not even wearing hats at all! :cool:

  7. Raphael-


    Thanks for the PM the other day buddy, I wrote you back!! =) Your hair is looking fantastic pal....it's really changed so much so quickly!! It is exciting to see the great results....as I am one month behind you and it gives me some hope. As always, great write-up and photos. Even with the wet hair, you can't see the scar. Looking forward to seeing your next post in the upcoming months!!!





  8. Haha! Well, I think the scar is totally doable to cover now, but because the little hair that's starting to grow on top of my head is so fine and thin still, I think it looks funny to have my hair look so long and sparse on top. It makes me look really bald, and truthfully, I'd rather just have an ugly scar and keep the buzzed look for right now!! Besides, I've come up with some pretty interesting stories to tell people how I "got my scar". Haha


    I'm thinking I'm going to go one more cycle.....buzz my hair one more time......and then let it start growing out to my full length. By this point, I should be near 4 months....and I think it will look a lot less obvious that I have this funky looking hair growing in next to my native hair, as the transplanted hair will start thickening and maturing a bit more by then! I am very excited to see some progress......and now like everyone else who's gone through this, am just playing the waiting game here.....

  9. Hello Everyone!


    Happy New Year to you all, I hope everyone here had a terrific holiday season. I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted or updated on here. I really wanted to be more regular with my updates, however there hasn't really been much change since my last post. I think I am seeing a new hair or two sprout up every week....but being as it has only been 11 weeks, there is still some time left before I'm expecting to see any reliable/accurate results on if my transplant took hold well!! The photos below were taken just one day after the 8 week mark of my procedure with Dr. Rahal. Even though that was 3 weeks ago, I was just finally able to upload the photos this morning. Next week will be my 3 month update (12 weeks), and I will take and post photos at that time....as that is the milestone mark to when us "ugly ducklings" can hope to start seeing some more substantial results!! :rolleyes:


    Anyway, thanks for checking out my update!! Happy growing to everyone!! :D






    2 Month Post-Op Photos

  10. GBU,


    Looks really fantastic my friend. You are at the 3 month milestone now, so you get to look forward to things being all downhill from here....congratulations!!! I just hit month 2 this past weekend, and like you, am seeing some early growth! I buzzed my head super short though, and am rocking my FUT scar without any concealer. When anyone asks what happened to my head, I tell them I was in a bar fight and that they "should see the other guy"!! ;-). Can't wait to see your next update. Dr. K does some of the best work around. Happy New Year to you, and enjoy your new head of hair!!!





  11. Thanks for the feedback and nice wishes everyone! Sorry I've been MIA from the forums for a while......I've been trying to distract myself so as not to be too fixated on my hair! =) It's hard to be certain, but I am pretty sure I've already started to grow some hair at 7 weeks out......I was going to post some current photos, but since I will be taking some next week at the 2 month mark, I will just wait til then. Because I lost a lot of native hair around my transplant as well (must be from the trauma of the surgery)....I look a lot balder than when I started. I decided to shave my entire head.....and it looks SOOO much better than it did when it was growing out. I will continue to rock this look (more obvious donor scar and all) until the transplanted hair begins to grow, and I can grow ALL of my hair out together. So just playing the waiting game, as everyone else who has gone through this has!!!


    In answer to your question MTL, I really have no idea where the 4737 grafts went in terms of placement. I had crown and frontal work done in the same procedure, so the grafts were split between the two areas. I know Dr. Rahal was going for a density of 50 up front......so hope that answers your question.


    I'll be around to post again soon guys! Happy New Year to everyone here!





  12. Chris12,


    Welcome to the forums buddy, you have come to a great place for support and advice!! As NewHair mentioned above, all of the doctors you mentioned above are terrific, and I don't think you can really go wrong. With that said, my top 2 from the your list above would be Rahal (I went to him like NewHair for FUT) and Shapiro. The two physicians, to me, produce some of the very best results out there. Matt recently posted an amazing collection of FUE results from Rahal's clinic and Janna from SMG has also posted some really great results as well!! Have a look through the photos in these forums, and see which results you think would suit you the best. Also, contact the surgeons and the clinics directly for an online consultation to see what each recommends. Ask questions....get the info you need....and choose the surgeon you feel most comfortable with from there. The important thing is to NOT rush into your decision....which is not to assume you have!! Given the list you made above, it seems like you're well on the way to a great result!!





  13. Sorry, me again! I was just curious if this was FUT (and I'm assuming it was by the singular use of "scar" in most of the posts in this thread)? I can't seem to see anywhere that is says definitively, however. If this was a strip procedure, KUDOS.... it is amazing work. I can't seem to detect even the slightest hint of a scar at 6 months out, and he wears his hair pretty short....that's some clean work!!


    Also, what kind of hair characteristics did this patient have? Did he have really coarse, thick hair? 2210 grafts gave him great coverage....so I'm guessing he had better than average hair characteristics???


    Thanks again for posting......

  14. I know I have already posted on your thread once before, but I still can't believe you got so much coverage from such a small amount of grafts. Granted it's not SUPER dense, you pretty much got coverage EVERYWHERE....and all with only 2500 grafts!! I'd be pretty thrilled starting where you were and getting to this in just over 6 months! Congrats again!!

  15. Really nice job Dr. Gabel! WOW! I love the length and style.....I hope I can get away with styling my hair similarly when my transplant grows and matures in a year!! It's how I used to wear my hair, and how I hope to in the future! Thanks for sharing....I can't wait to follow this case and see what the future holds for this gentleman!! =)

  16. Hahaha thanks pal.....not bizarre; it makes total sense!! Thanks for the nice Christmas wish. Wishing the same for you and your family as well, and here's hoping we are both looking terrific in 2013!!! Always look forward to seeing your updates and posts. This has been a long month for me on my side, but know that it will be worth it in the end! The 15 day photos are actually the only thing that give me some hope.....


    Anyway, I'm off to dinner! Glad you posted, and hope to catch up soon! =)





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