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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. FUEsday,


    Really sorry to hear that news buddy, I know you were looking forward to your procedure. With that said, it sounds like you have a pretty positive outlook on the whole thing (I can understand being slightly frustrated since you had your hopes up), and have some other options to look toward in the future. If it is any consolation, you went to one of the very best surgeons in the industry.....and at least you know that Dr. Rahal is ethical and chose to call off the procedure rather than to give you shoddy results! I know it probably doesn't sound too "optimistic" coming from my mouth now.....but you'll look back and realize that it truly was a blessing in disguise (which it sounds like your head is in a good place). Anyhow, I apologize the day wasn't more successful. I hope you utilized your time to at least meet some cool guys at Brookline, and to check out Ottawa a bit.....it's a beautiful city. As you make future plans to get a restoration with one of the other physicians you mentioned above.....please keep those of us here in the forums posted on your journey!


    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.....and a successful procedure for 2013!!!





  2. Calgaryhairguy,


    Welcome to the forums. Thanks for sharing your background with us....very happy you decided to finally have a transplant, and I'm looking forward to seeing your results when it's done. Good call on the Proscar.....it really helped to strengthen my hair as well, and has definitely helped to slow the loss! Reach out if you need any advice along the way.....I am a recent hair transplant recipient myself, so I can relate to everything you're going to go through soon!





  3. Holy Crap, do I ever feel ugly!! :( You guys WERE NOT joking about the "ugly-duckling" thing! I fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!! :eek: I totally didn't realize that I would lose so much of my hair.....as I assumed the shock loss would be around my scar only. But it appears that I lost a lot of my native hair as well? Either that, or I'm a lot more bald than I thought I was....and I am just being made aware of it because my hair is so short?! At any rate, it is pretty depressing to see, even though I know it is part of the process.....and sorry to subject everyone here to the photos. I should just skip straight to the ones where I actually (hopefully) start growing in a few months from now!! :rolleyes:


    Also, I definitely seem to be experiencing A LOT of itching. I don't think it's anything abnormal, as much as it is my scalp healing! With that said, can anyone tell me if it is okay to be rubbing my head now that I am one month out from my procedure. I have been rubbing the recipient area like crazy when it itches (just finger tips and palms of hands....no nails or scratching at all), and am hoping that I can assume I am doing no harm? I don't want to do anything that may hinder or hurt the growth, and I figured since I was a month out, it didn't matter how aggressive I was with the rubbing? :confused:


    Anyhow, below is the link to my photos....exactly one month post-op!! I will either post again at the 6 week mark, or will wait 'til 8 weeks (2 months) if there is zero change!


    I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas...and a great start to 2013 as well!!







    Photos One Month Post-Op

  4. Sadsub-


    This is going to be a great result I think. I appreciate you sharing your results with us here. Judging by the photos, your procedure looks like very clean work......which is to be expected from Dr. Radha. I really like her work, she consistently does a nice job! Keep us posted as your results begin to develop. Just out of curiosity, what Norwood level are you classified as/heading to??





  5. theres possibility that his head will smell like balls


    I heard one famous Dr talking about armpit and pubic hairs and how it shd be avoided bc of it




    What famous doctor is that?? Doesn't sound like he's been in the industry long if that's the train of thought?! I'm sure there is a reason an increasing amount of BHT's are being utilized in practices today....and I hear coarser body hair makes great filler to add density when used properly in conjunction with scalp hair, and to help more advanced cases of loss because of insufficient donor from the head!! Seems there is limitation to the amount of chest and beard hair that can be used because of scarring!

  6. I definitely agree with Spanker in thinking that the hairline you photoshopped would waste a lot of grafts and would look unnatural as you age later on down the line. Factor in the potential to have significant hair loss in the future, and then you are caught between a rock and a hard place!! But with that said, the photoshopped hairline looks good on you! =)

  7. Hi Jman!!


    I'm sure someone who has more knowledge on the whole "neograft" concept will chime in here, however I would be reluctant to head to any of these clinics that "specialize" in it....as that is all I see now in the advertisements in airplane magazines. The ad page is always sporting some young model that clearly has a very full head of thick hair (and always has) and has never been a transplant patient!! Of course the model looks great, and entices people to rush into a procedure without any research. You can bet the recommended/Coalition physicians on these forums would be practicing these procedures (and maybe they are) if they are indeed "cutting edge". The top physicians listed in these forums are the top in the entire industry, and you can bet they are ahead on all the latest research and technology. To me....I'll stick with the doctors here who continue to get accolades of all kinds from the members/patients of these forums, and will continue to see great results as evidenced from REAL before and after pictures posted by the clinic reps and patients directly! =)

  8. Yogeshg-


    Welcome to the forums! As a Norwood II, you aren't currently experiencing hair loss in your crown....and unfortunately, minoxidil appears to be only effective in the crown area. At least that is the area of your scalp where the drug is intended for use. The Finasteride however acts differently than Minoxidil, and seeks to actually block DHT from binding and miniaturizing the follicle. Thus, when using Finasteride, you should see a better result in it working to help stop the loss of hair from your hairline, in addition to other areas of your scalp! Does this make sense at all? I agree with what Jman said above. As long as you aren't experiencing any negative side effects, it is a good idea to stay on the regimen you are, as the fin should help minimize further loss. Just remember, the Minoxidil is going to give you better results in your crown!





  9. We are all paranoid that we are doing something wrong while we wait....but it is perfectly normal to be feeling that!! :-). I started shedding early also.....and while 3 weeks is probably an "average"....I have seen other cases where it started much earlier. If you are ever truly concerned, contact your physician for clarification....but from what I know about the process, everything looks great and you are right on track! Cheers buddy!!

  10. The follicular grafts should be well secure by 9 days post-op, and any shedding you're experiencing is just the hair (shaft) being shed as the graft enters the resting phase!! All very normal, and you'll most likely continue to shed hair if you still have 50% of your recently transplanted grafts. I just hit a month since my procedure, and have shed almost all of my transplant hairs! Chin up, exciting things to look forward to soon!!

  11. Hi Biz,


    I have seen a lot of quality results from Dr. Gabel also.....think you'll be in great hands! :D


    How many grafts are you personally hoping to achieve? Do you already have your procedure date scheduled, or just your consultation? Looking forward to hearing your impressions of Dr. Gabel after you meet him face to face.....I'm sure you'll be very pleased and have a very positive experience!





  12. Hi MTL......thanks bud, but I assure you that you don't want to see my updated pictures right now!! LOL!!! If everyone else here goes through the "ugly duckling" phase after a transplant, I must look like an 85 year old goose near the end of his life right now!! Although I knew it was coming, I don't think I was prepared to see my hair look much worse than it did BEFORE my transplant....I look like I fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!! :mad:


    I must have lost 1000 hairs in the last 24 hours alone.....and considering I had a full head of hair just a week and a half ago....well, my first glance in the mirror today almost prompted me to hurl myself off a tall cliff!! HAHA!


    In all seriousness though, I am reaching my 1 month post-op anniversary this coming Saturday (Oddly enough my birthday....good milestone date to remember), and because I want to keep up-to-date on all my progress posts, I will be taking photos and posting!! I just might request that the people of these forums sign a waiver ahead of time to release me of any liability for any stress or trauma that the images cause the members here! ;)


    Thanks for checking in buddy....you'll be seeing another post from me again really soon!





  13. No worries bud....no oil for me here! Maybe that's why I lost all my hair over the last decade, haha??!! I do use a conditioner a few times a week though (not since my surgery though, as I can't resume normal hair care until the one month mark this weekend), and it does seem to keep the follicles hydrated!

  14. I love seeing FUE results and how great the patient looks almost immediately post-op!! Haha, and at the same time, it makes me second-guess my decision to have gone the FUT route....as I realize I'll never be able to shave my head that short if I wanted to. But back to the un-selfish me....it really makes me feel good to see what a great result the gentleman above is going to have soon!! =)


    Very exciting for this patient, and for SMG for getting the new machine/punch! I can't wait to see more of these cases when the new (smaller) punch comes in!!

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