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Posts posted by agenteye

  1. Buzz,


    Welcome to the forums! Congrats on choosing Dr. Lindsey for your physician. He is an active member in these forums, a really nice guy, and does really fantastic restorations......I highly respect him and the results he produces! No doubt you're going to see some amazing results when all of your hair starts growing in, so please keep us posted with pictures and updates along the way. Only 2 weeks to go....you must be getting excited?! I remember when I hit the two-week mark, prior to my procedure.....and it seemed like the "big day" would never get here!!! Time will fly by though and before you know it you'll be three weeks post-op, like me, waiting for your hair to start growing and looking in the damn mirror every day (trust me, don't do it!!!!). Anyhow, best of luck to you....and looking forward to seeing some more posts on your experience/progress soon!





  2. Poweralley,


    Congratulations to you on your recent transplant with SMG! You will no doubt be ecstatic when it all starts growing in, and it is always awesome to read such positive reviews of this clinic. I am a huge fan of the Shapiro brothers' work, and of Janna for her contributions to the industry and to these forums! Looks like those 2500+ grafts are going to make a huge difference for you, so please keep all of us here posted so we can monitor your results along the way! Happy healing and growth to you, and congratulations again!





  3. Wow, she looks terrific!! :eek: What a great transformation....you gave her a new lease on a happy life! I'm sure it's extremely rewarding to make people feel confident and great again in general, but it must be exceptionally rewarding in cases like this. She really deserves her incredible new look, and it always makes me really happy to see cases like this one. Thanks for sharing Dr. Bhatti. Great work!!! :cool:

  4. Capa-


    I totally get the severely depressed thing....I really do! I used to weigh 302 lbs when I was 18 years old, and was teased and ridiculed my entire teenage life for being so overweight!! I hated my life....and I think that every person who goes through a major struggle like that goes through the suicidal thoughts stage that comes with it....especially when we're younger; and hair loss I'm sure is equally devastating at that age.


    But you can't tell me that the minimally receding hairline on this 17 year old (as evidenced in the photos above) or anyone else for that matter is devastating enough to warrant a suicide. I really think that seems pretty unlikely....and if it went as far as that, the individual obviously had some other very disturbing, deep-seeded issues as an underlying problem!! I would agree that this patient is at an age where there will most likely be significant advances in the industry to ensure that he will never have to worry about running out of his donor supply....but that doesn't change my opinion on the fact that he shouldn't have been operated on.....and that a cosmetic procedure will be nothing more than a temporary solution to his depression. What really needed to be the focus in this patients life, is more intense counseling with his psychologist....so as to get to the root of/provide a more permanent cure to the patient's depression.


    Again, this topic would be easy to go back and forth on....so this will be my last post on this thread. I just thought it was important to address the fact that I don't feel this patient is as "unique a case" as the clinic/doctor makes it sound like. If I had a nickel for every 17 year old in this World that was suffering from depression because of self-esteem issues due to poor self image.....well, you get the point!





  5. Although I appreciate the explanation and mean no disrespect, I think this is still no excuse to transplant on a 17 year old. To say that "Hair restoration may help depression symptoms experienced by some hair loss sufferers".....well, that much is a given.....and it certainly isn't unique to this case. We don't need European hair loss studies to conclude that there is a higher rate of depression among those of us who are balding (me!!!). We are ALL depressed about out hair loss....which is why most of us are here. Don't you think this patient is going to be more depressed when the rest of his hair starts falling out, and he wasted these grafts on hairline work when he was 17?? Granted, by the time he needs more grafts, there will most likely be stem cell therapy or some other major advance in the industry, but it still seems like a bad call to me. I think at 17 years old, the kid should have been turned away by the clinic. He may have had his father's consent, but was his father (and the child) REALLY educated on the process and the limited donor reserves that an individual has during his/her lifetime??? I dunno.....I could be way off base here, but the above clarification didn't make me feel any more at ease about this particular case.


    At 17 years old, the kid should be playing sports and studying....and building self-confidence by living life.....NOT having cosmetic procedures. Sounds to me like the psychologist wasn't doing much to help the cause either.....if his "severe depression" still led to this.


    Sorry if I'm seeming unreasonable/riduculous and I offended anyone here in the forums......

  6. That does clear things up Altdot, thank you!! For whatever reason, I totally spaced it and forgot that your procedure was FUE. So when we were talking about taking your donor out, I kept thinking Dr. Rahal had Mike do your tissue removal and closure.....but you didn't have tissue removal and closure!!! :-). I was confused, but now am back on the same page!! I know you're going to be thrilled with your results when it starts growing in! Can't wait to see updates in the near future. Thanks again for following up with the details of your procedure!!

  7. Hi Matty-


    I would have to agree that 1200 grafts isn't going to do much for you, but I guess it depends on what you are trying to accomplish with the restoration, and to what degree you want to restore your loss.?! I also had deeply receeded front scalp/temples.....but I also had a balding crown. I had 4700 grafts to replace most of that....and will still most likely require a bit of work in the future. I am only a couple weeks out from my transplant, so too early still to tell what kind of results I am going to see!


    Anyhow, you received good advice above in that you should definitely get a consultation from SEVERAL doctors......never go with just one. I believe I saw where you had already booked your restoration for a Hair Institute in Colorado....and I would encourage you to do some more research before you jump the gun on a procedure. Get started on the meds, and give yourself some time to see if it improves your look....and then go from there! You'll be happy with your results so much more if you plan well and have reasonable expectations on the outcome! The guys here are all very experienced, and have a wealth of knowledge....so reach out to the members here if you ever have doubt or need advice.


    I dig your tattoos by the way.....I'm very into ink here, and am just getting underway on some serious pieces myself! =)


    Best of luck on your decision....and let us know what some of the other surgeons say after your consultation with them......online consultations with photos work just as well as visiting the clinic, so keep that in mind when you're narrowing down your list of potential physicians! You should never let location be a deciding factor in your final decision......





  8. Hi there FBO,


    Welcome to these forums. As "a" above mentioned, it is hard to tell from these photos what was done?! 1450 grafts is not a lot of grafts, so in order for us to make an accurate assessment, it would help us to have photos of the condition of your hair before your restoration. In all fairness, any transplant done shouldn't be FULLY judged until at least 12 months from the date of your procedure....so there is some time still for the hair to continue to thicken and mature. Likewise, it does look like there is some growth,(even though your front scalp/temples seem a bit thin) indicating that your transplant wasn't a complete bust! At any rate, I agree that you should voice any concerns with your surgeon at this stage to see what he or she thinks of the progress and any future action. I hope you continue to see some maturation of the transplant in upcoming months as well.


    Please keep us posted on any progress and updates along the way. These forums are a terrific resource for advice and support, so reach out to the members of the community anytime! Welcome again, and good growth to you!



  9. Ukmattyc,


    Although I don't know anything about this facility or their physicians, anyone who advertises the "always $2.00 graft" makes me a little wary of wanting to book with them, unless I had EXTENSIVELY researched them and their credentials. I would encourage anyone having a hair restoration procedure do this anyway, with any physician they were considering for treatment. With that said, I don't want to discourage you, I just want to encourage you to do some research and make an informed decision. There is no sense in rushing into a potentially bad restoration....and it makes more sense to take some time in making your final decision. Have you checked out Dr. Searle or Boland to see if they are members of the Recommended Surgeons on this site? Also, have you tried to reach out to any past patients to determine their satisfaction with their results? Viewed before and after photos? Searched reviews online???


    Just some things to consider.....


    Anyhow, keep us all posted on whatever it is you decide to do. Hopefully some others from this forum will chime in with their advice/recommendations as well!


    Best of luck,



  10. Altdot,


    I too am curious about this! Dr. Rahal personally did all of the tissue excision on me, and most others I've spoken with. Are you sure Mike wasn't just assisting during this process, as he was there to assist Dr. Rahal with me also. Most tissue excision is done by a physician who will be aided by a nurse or other medical professional with closure and proper tool/supply handling. Looking forward to any clarification on this?!


    Thanks :-)

  11. Dr. Lindsey-


    Thanks for sharing! This is really awesome, and you are giving this young man a new lease on a happier life! I am looking forward to following this case really closely, and am keeping my fingers crossed that he continues to be blessed with more growth, and the rest of his life as a cancer-free individual! Big fan of your work here.....so keep up the great contributions you make to society!!





  12. Altdot,


    Congratulations on getting 2100 grafts! With Dr. Rahal's work, you're going to look like a new man in a few months when everything starts growing in. The hard part is over now! I agree with Brookline being a great place to recover and meet new people....good choice deciding to stay there. The good news with you having FUE is you don't have to wait for two weeks to have to get any stitches out like I did with my strip procedure. The next milestone you get to look forward to is not having to put on that messy vitamin E oil anymore next week!!


    Keep us posted with photos and updates along the way. I'm looking forward to seeing your end result....no doubt it will look great!


    Happy healing and growth to you!!





  13. Barry-


    Thanks a lot for sharing your results! At 6 months, you must be ecstatic. It really does look terrific, and I can't wait to see what the upcoming months bring in thickness and maturity....not to mention any new growth you still may get!! Please keep us posted along the way, and again.....CONGRATULATIONS on the dramatic transformation!





  14. DepressedB-


    Cheer up pal! Like everyone else here has already mentioned, your hair looks great.....and you shouldn't be self-conscious about it at all! I know it is hard to see a recession in your hairline, but as Can't decide has mentioned, it looks as though you are just ending with a more mature hairline.....the rest of your hair is still very thick and full! I think hairthere offered you really valuable advice as well.....go see a stylist to help get you sorted out with a new look! You'll be surprised at how pleased you can be using the hair you have in the hands of a proper professional.


    Anyhow, chin up!!! I promise it looks a lot better than you think! =)


    Keep us posted on what you decide to do along the way.....





  15. Definitely a big transformation from the before pictures to the 6 month mark!


    I am curious though (and this is a serious question), why would pubic hair need to be used for this procedure, when there is clearly a significant amount of facial and chest hair for transplantation? I have never heard of pubic hair being used in BHT's.....so it is a really interesting concept to me given there are other sources from which to take the donor??!!


    At any rate....nice improvement!

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