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Everything posted by Baggins

  1. Well, I admit, this was in America and it was 15 years ago. I think police standards have fallen since then. Today, the cops probably wouldn't rush if you told them you were about to be murdered by a mad axe killer.. So you're probably right. But I urge you to keep slagging off this hai4all. Never give up, and keep posting how crap the company is. Start a blog as well.
  2. I did that once. I reported a guy who said he was going to send something in the post to me, but he didn't. I got the local cops to go round there and pay him a visit.
  3. And he kept the system and the money? You should call the cops. He's a thief.:mad:
  4. I'm sorry, did you say he has your hair piece? Did you send it back to him? It's a pity you don't have photos of it, then you could have showed them on here. Is the system that awful? Judging from the wig he's wearing, it looks like the system base is a different color to his scalp. I thought lace had to be transparent, so you see scalp. If you want to write a review about hair4all, I think you might be interested in shaming the place here: Ripoff Report | Total Creation Web Design | Complaint Review: 1013367
  5. Yeah, anyone can remove comments from YouTube. It's easily done. It's only down-thumbs he cannot remove, unless he deletes the videos and uploads them again. The hairline on this system looks total crap:
  6. I've seen his videos on YouTube. They don't appear to have many views and there are hardly any comments - if none at all. Maybe bad comments are left but he deletes them. I get the impression that most of the people in his videos are his friends who'll say anything to praise this guy's company up. I haven't bought one of his systems but the hairlines look crap close up. No wonder most of the systems are styled with the hair swept forward.
  7. I think this thread would be invaluable to new hair wearers who want to avoid throwing their hard earned money down the drain. There's quite a few stories on here about Phil Osmond from hair4all. I've not met one person who has been satisfied with that guy's hair systems. And his so-called 'money back if you're not satisfied guarantee' is total bulls***. Please feel free to list your personal horror stories and the companies who have ripped you off.
  8. Yeah, this Phil Osmond from hair4all is getting a very bad name. Everyone I talk to feels ripped off by this man. Also, have you noticed the scars he has on his face. Probably from fights when he was younger. He claims he's a boxer. Or used to be. I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I could throw him.
  9. Let's face it, there is only one honest way of restoring a full head of hair to anyone's head, be they a man, woman, or child. And that's through the application of a wig. Or a hair piece. Or a system - or whatever you want to call it. Forget the strand by strand crap. The potions, the pills. It's all crap. To the OP, is there any way he can claim back the money on his credit card? Failing that, shame them any which way you can. And send them links to all the bad press you have given them. Maybe then they might agree to a refund to stop more bad press. It isn't libel if it's TRUE. Good luck.
  10. And by the way, he is really expensive. Overcharging by at least ?200. Or so I have been told.
  11. I thought that too. The OP only has one post. Regards hair4all, I've heard a lot of bad things about this site and its owner phil osmond. I was going to order a system but a dissatisfied customer told me that phil had ripped him off by ?385. Phil apparently advertises the really good systems but he sends out really inferior Thailand wigs. One to stay clear of I think.
  12. I invested in a full cap hair system two months ago. I've worn it a couple of times and I think it looks quite good. However, I have a big problem. My head is notorious for excess sweating. Because of this I cannot find a tape or glue that will let me wear my system longer than a few hours. I've tried all the BIG NAME tapes and glues. Every single one of them. I even tried Ghost Bond, but my full cap came loose after just five hours. It really is frustrating when I buy all these big name tapes that say 'get a two month hold'. I'd be happy with two days! But no, my full cap always comes loose. Or in the case of the glues, I get a very sticky mess in a matter of hours. It's murder to clean up. I still wear my full cap, using strong tapes. But by the end of the evening the full cap is so loose by then I can literally take it off like a hat. I've tried all the scalp preparation products, made sure my scalp is bone dry, applied the products. But once my head starts sweating no glue or tape will keep the hold. Any advice, or products to use. I seriously do not think anyone can help. I guess I am just very unlucky. I envy the guys who can go a month, swim and work out with a hair system secured to their head. Not me.
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