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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. i love the shape of that hairline, will look great grown in
  2. ohhh i see it now,, yes dont touch em for a few days take good care of them,, what norwood level do you think you would be in you never did surgury? like i mean down the road not what norwood u were last week
  3. interesting story, now you got me thinking about mine not falling out
  4. i dont mean any disrespect but it dosent look like 2000 grafts, im still a little bit of a noob but it looks like 1500 grafts or so, does anyone else see this? or maybe its just me
  5. top fut docs in my opinion are feller, hasson and wong, and konior, many more but these are my fav,, and by the looks of it , and you ares till relatively young, id go with 2200-2500 grafts nothing 2 crazy, should have a very nice outcome
  6. never thought id meet another 25 yr old with worse loss than me, however i think you are a pretty good candidate for ht, you have dark skin and thick hair caliber, just be prepared to have 2-4 surgeries to get where you wanna be, as you will be a norwood 6 in a few years, like me
  7. lookin good, yes not much change since last month however your still only a little over half way, on a scale from 1 to 10 how happy are you with your results so far?
  8. ur a lucky guy considering you went to bosley and your out come was so good,, if u live in florida id check out dr glen charles , i think thats how you spell his name,, lol hes recommended on here and one of the very few good docs in florida, but if you wanna travel, hasson and wong
  9. i think your previous hts look good as far as bosley goes, not unnatural or disfigured ,, how many grafts have you had done between these 2 surgeries ? and did you have fut? i cant see your scar really
  10. congrats buddy,, i hope your results turn out fantastic
  11. Waiting Hasent been hard, I'm more waiting for shock loss and the scar to heal, I should have done fue but I was advised my grafts would not survive fue
  12. crazy story,, i sure hope everything turns out ok in the end for you buddy,, and some nice hair wouldn't hurt right? lol
  13. yes time certainly does fly,, hoping that by next month the shock loss would have recovered almost entirely , but wont hold my breath, thanks everyone for the kind words
  14. yes kt, please post pics of how it all went,, the scar and how did the transplant hold up in the last 4 years?
  15. thanks mickey,, yea i will wait the full 3 months till i start lifting at all
  16. its so weird how some people get such a good result with low number of grafts and some people use ALOT and there results look just ok, this guy dosent have curly hair or very thick hair yet in 6 months im sure it will look as if he had 2000 grafts put in
  17. good luck my friend,, hope your result is a 10 out of 10
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