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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. 1 month has passed and alot of the grafts have shed, but not all of them, the shock loss in the donor seems to have stopped and hopefully it will return, the transplanted area feels normal no pain no tighness nothing, the scar is a little sore but not much at all, here are some pics
  2. how does your hair look when its grown out longer? and pics? u seem to have full coverage
  3. yes please post pics, im 1 month out and having shockloss back there as well
  4. are you having your ht in the uk? if so be carful
  5. hahaha yes i spent about 300$ in hats so far, i will be updating with the 1 month mark in a few days, but will have to take a break after that, i think im on this website to much it makes me think about my ht 24/7,, shedding has slowed a little and shock loss continues in the donor
  6. when you take closr up pics like this it looks pretty good, but if you were to take a pics frther away, like 10-15 feet you will see the scar 100 percent, granted itll look much better but still people will notice
  7. I'm a month post op and am questioning if I maid the right choice , I'm sure in a year ill be happy, but my concern is 10-20-30 years from now
  8. I have it in my donor right now, almost 1 month post op, sure hope it comes back
  9. You think smp wouldn't help? If you go swimming you could prob still see it even with smp
  10. Why do you tell ppl to avoid hair transplants? Im curious, If money isn't an issue ofcource
  11. i actually looked a little closer and maybe he really is wearing concealer , in the be4 pic his hair looks shiny and in the after pics it looks chalky ,, anyone else see this?
  12. it looks like hes wearing concealer or something,, if i saw him in public id know something was up
  13. Don't give em to much praise ,, it's far from over my freind
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