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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. here is a good example of if you dont fix your temple points how it can look like a wig
  2. here is a good example of if you dont fix your temple points how it can look like a wig
  3. sucks to be so young and have to do all this right? im 25 and just had mine, also a higher hairline than i wanted , but we only have so much hair to work with, did you know that to lower your hairline 1 cm would take like close to 1000 grafts?
  4. congrats on your ht,, so give us the run dow, how many grafts who was your doc, fue or fut? any pics?
  5. thanks agent,, i will be updating every month, this ugly phase couldn't come at a worst time, its summer but ill thank myself later hopefully
  6. Just a quick update,, alot of times ill shed hair but it's 2 hairs connected at the root, heres a pic,, has this happened to anyone else
  7. i think your wrong, basiclly its like this, dht makes you lose your hair, higher levels of test in your body mean more dht ,period , i wont risk it because if you lose hair you wont get it back, its a big gamble so jus be carful
  8. Yea I'd like to recommend Mickey as a moderator on here or something, guys devoted to this forum more than anyone else
  9. are you happy with your results? why do you have to wear concealer , you had a good amount of grafts
  10. can you post a pic of your scar, im curious to see the skill of this surgeon
  11. who was your doc? is he recommended on here?
  12. oh man,, i been hearing this shit since i was 17,, pretty much every week someone will say something, my family and freinds arent shy about talking about other people imperfections, i got used to it after a while, like a broken record
  13. whats up fellas,, just planning for the future, with this type of temple peaks, what would you advise me to do in the near future (aka 2nd ht) do you think they will recede more? (im 25) -thanks
  14. Look foward to seeig this video joe,, do Italians usually have higher density than average?
  15. you gotta be kiddigng me,, you wanted 2000 and ended up with 3800? you lucky mofo, u realise that when this grows out your hair will be super thick, like elvis hahaha, good luck!! your density must be above average
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