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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. No not really, plus the smaller punch size he uses the more likely your grafts won't survive , shock loss is just something you gotta deal with
  2. I think for ur class of baldness , about a 5, you need about 5-6 thousand grafts, 1000 isn't enuf
  3. It is 100 percent unpredictable and nothing you can do to avoid it
  4. hairicome and samspade, do either of you have pics of your scar??
  5. thanks for the response mickey,, it actually looks alot worse in person, and its on both sides,, did yours look like this or worse? also do you remember how long post op u started getting shock loss in the donor?
  6. Do you think this shock loss will come back? I'm 14 days post op
  7. I'd rather be bald for my wedding than disfigured
  8. If ur in jersey I recommend dr feller, in Long Island ny
  9. Did the crust look long like this one?
  10. can someone else chime in here and tell me what they think
  11. may i ask why you didnt goto dr umar? why you chose to goto europe? i had umar in mind for when i use beard hair
  12. this is something i will be looking into when i run out or head hair, its a decent alternative
  13. i got mine done 2 weeks ago and id say about 80% of my concern is with the scar, idk why but i am way more concerned with it
  14. Jus remember what your getting in the gym is short term, u can get it back in a few months, but a stretched scar is forever pretty much
  15. Lol yea ur right I just wanted to know what the diff is between a graft and a crust , this is the best shot I could get
  16. no no blood, let me try , using my iphone and its very small, but let me try, it came off like a crust tho
  17. what exactly is the difference between neograft and regular follicular unit?
  18. Does this look like a graft that shed with the root also? I'm 12 days post op do you think this one will grow back?
  19. yes i agree, if the hair thats there thickens up he will be pretty pleased
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