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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. i can just tell by looking at your pre and post op pics that you are going to have a very very good result, good luck
  2. Thanks tommy, hope ur right I jus can't help but feel like the forehead is to big
  3. And after you get it done, u still won't sleep cuz of the dam staples
  4. does anyone think that maybe the hairline was placed a little to high? does it look weird i cant help but notice this
  5. thanks !!!!!, im feelin much better today, still got anther week to get my staples out, thats deff without a doubt the worst part of the whole thing,, ill update every month with how its coming along, hoping everything turns out good
  6. lookin fantastic at the half way point, im 1 week post op with feller myself and its gonna be a long ride i see, cant wait to see your next update
  7. do you guys think sleeping on my face is whats causing this?
  8. i dread doing that again, i did it for the first 3 nights, ill try it again tonight but is it normal? is it cuz im sleeping on my face?
  9. It's my 6th day post op and the swelling won't go away, by the end of the day it goes down but then when I goto bed I can't sleep on the staples so I sleep on my face only to wake up the next day all swollen , any advice
  10. 3200 one round will work well untill u lose more native hair, then u will need one more
  11. there are these ones that im pretty sure are blisters and there are ones that are clear, like the same color as my skin and those hurt more, and they are smaller
  12. have you been shampooing it and touching it and letting it soak in the shower every night? 5 weeks should be all clean
  13. i to have just discovered blisters and im 5 days post op, they hurt like hell, is this normal?
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