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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. Having very sharp pin prick pain in donor, anyone else have this? Day 5
  2. im 5 days out right now and a few times an hour i get a sharp sting like pain right in the scar, it makes me tense up a little,, anybody else get this? if so how long do these pains last? btw its only on the side of my head not the back
  3. what are some creams / vitamins / sprays all that stuff you can put on the donor scar and recipient area a few weeks after surgery to help heal everything, i hear vitamin E or something ?
  4. i think its prob because my body is trying to heal, but i been eating like a monster,, so one more question, so at your 4 week mark do you feel pretty normal? of do you still have tightness and discomfort?
  5. i new from the min i looked at your pics that you are from new york, and prob italian or at least married into italian
  6. is your scar area still numb? how long was your face swollen for? did your scar hurt more on the sides or on the back?
  7. i had 2048 grafts, face is swolen and cant sleep, its a lil harder than i thought these first few days, i hope you keep us posted on your progress, alot of ppl post and then after a month never return to update
  8. 6 months is prob ok, jus put sun screen you should be alright
  9. The day you took te staples out, was sleeping on the scar easy?
  10. i got mine done with dr feller about 4 days ago, these staples are very hard to deal with, mainly because you cant sleep,, how many grafts did you get? also by day 7-10 where you able to sleep on the staples?
  11. i got mine done yesterday and got exactlly 2,048 grafts fut,, my doc used staples so its hard to sleep and its a lil uncomfterbil,
  12. im 1 day post op, maybe im jus over reacting, there are some hairs in front of where he transplanted as well
  13. is one side of the hairline higher than the other
  14. will show pics of the scar tomm here are some pre op pics http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/170130-question-joetronic-pics-inside.html
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