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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. yea north east i cant think of many, feller does it and true dorin ,, if i was to do fue id get on a plain and go see umar
  2. So out of all 3 of ur hts how many grafts did u get in total?
  3. micky know what hes talkin about, we need people like him here to show the not so great side of ht, hes been threw it and is passionate about warning people about fut scars
  4. i have little donor hair, and will most deff need to use beard hair in the future, i would really love to see what beard hair on your head looks like, can you tell its diff than the rest of the hair?
  5. woooooow i no this guy,, i was always thinking to myself whe i watched his videos, dam he took steroids and his hair looks great! lucky guy,, and im like y is he so concerned his hair looks awsome, now i no
  6. it looks great for 2 months,, but yea if u do smp itll still be noticeable jus less,, worth it in my opinion
  7. When I read this I laughed so hard I almost shit my pants,, anyway back to the topic, has anyone on here ever done this?
  8. Yea that looks like stretching but it's not that bad, u can cover it with smp if it really bothers u, though it won't be perfect it will be MUCH better
  9. In your guy opinion, how often is fue into the scar a success ? Would love to hear from doctors especially on this one
  10. Lol no I mean call a 40 yr old me and ask him if this is right
  11. If u need less that 2k grafts that means ur hair loss is very minimal, wat Norwood are u
  12. thanks socates,, i wish i could make a phone call to myself in the future and ask him if this is the right move, such a gamble
  13. u had a great head of hair, why did you decide to do this?
  14. so you say that after 5 years your ht is now noticeable, is it only noticeable because the hair behind the transplanted area has thinned out and is balding? or is the transplanted hair not looking good anymore? if you could go back in time , would you have gone threw with having a ht? im getting one done in 2 weeks and will deff need more down the line, thanks for your help
  15. Joe, how can u tell its taken to low without seeing the back of his head
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