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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. whats up man, welcome, i see you have had a procedure done with dr armani,, are you happy with the outcome?
  2. I have a question, is this mans donor area considered good average or below average ?
  3. Can you post those pics on here I'm curious to see them
  4. micky, do you think its possible that the donor has finished diffusing? because its been this way forever, since i was very very young, also the scar situation,, very good chance it will be visible so i looked into SMP to hide it,, actually pretty simple thing,, and can you elaborate a little on the last thing you said about the hair becoming eradicated
  5. that is exactlly what they told me, early norwood 6, what kinda damage do you think i coulkd do with only 5k grafts, prob enuf to do the front and mid only right
  6. Thanks for the response joe, and yes I did watch the video very informative , do you guys think I have alopicia, also wat kind of result do you think I will get, I'm having 2000 grafts taken in 3 weeks pretty excited , I think the curl is a good thing and my laxity is very good, been doin excersize for 2 months now, wat Norwood would you guys classify me as?
  7. iv been told by 2 docs that i dont have alot of donor,, about 5k available give or take
  8. also please keep in mind these were under very harsh lighting, basically a spot light behind the camera
  9. hey all,, this question isnt only for joe, but he gives the best answers and in my opinion is the best at looking at pics and can really see whats going on,, so im getting my procedure done with dr feller in 3 weeks and wanted to post some pics of my hair combed back and damp, keep that in mind that my hair is damp,, wanted to get everyones opinion on my donor and all that good stuff thanks everyone
  10. its hard to tell if its good or not because all the pics are of the top and the last one is a front shot, i see alot of people doing this idk why...
  11. id love to see some pics from be4 you had any surgery if you have
  12. wow,, thats great im very happy for you,, id love to see a pic of the top turned to the side,, also the scar, hows the scar doing?
  13. there it is!!! i see it and it looks great for 5 months! jus think what itll look like in another 6 months! im happy for you , im getting mine done with feller in 26 days!
  14. another 3500 grafts mostly to the mid scalp and maybe a little to make the balding crown smalller and i think ur all set
  15. why is it that african hair is harder to transplant i dont understand
  16. welcome to the forum,, why dont you post some pics im curious as to what your situation looks like, i mean of the top of your head, also why not go for more hts and get more hair?
  17. if you have a diffused donor, like myself i would look into smp to camo it, thats my plan
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