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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. maybe hts should be determined more by norwood class rather than age, i am also new here and im sure there is a reason it goes by age
  2. ej, if you could go back in time, would you just shave everything off? or r u happy with your outcome?
  3. looking forward to the pics,, how many surgeries did you have, id imagine more than one if the scarring is such an issue
  4. man i feel ur pain,, luckily u r in canada id go see hasson and wong , there good at what they do, yes u r 21, but ur hairloss is of someone in there 30s so maybe its ok to do a ht,, but im no doc,, go see one and let us know
  5. Why's the difference between him who will be a Norwood 6 getting a ht now and a 30 year old with the same hair who will also be a Norwood 6 getting it? Because he obviously is advanced for his age
  6. Tommy, plz tell me from 1 to 10 how happy r u with ur result so far
  7. a norwood 6 with 3000 grafts now has a full head of hair... am i missing something ?
  8. dont take sun jus yet, im not sure when exactly its ok to start taking sun but i wouldent risk it, i hear that it can cause permeant discoloration of the scalp
  9. thats quite a scar you got,, if after this surgery your scar looks the same look into smp,, who was your previous doc?
  10. idk maybe its the pics but i dont see to much change, i no its early n all and its great that you are so hapy, but i jus dont see it,, is it better in person? no disrespect at all jus bein honest
  11. wooow, this is very interesting , prob the first post of its kind
  12. i am having the same prob, hoping it will stop but imagine howe stupid i will feel if the hair doesnt grow back
  13. i got a question for you guys as i am only a month away from surgery, i hate doing these on myself but i do them anyway, i have someone else sit on my back and do them for me,, do you think this is just as good as me doing them?
  14. im mad that your even concerned about your hair, i would pay big money for mine to look like that
  15. im sorry to hear that you went to him and you werent happy, show us some pics of what he did to you
  16. its either tell your boss and he can help yyou or you cant get it,
  17. i hear someone is bring your style of SMP to the usa, they are studying it in the spring
  18. what do you mean your 1000 fue is on its last leg? it fell out?
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