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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. anywhere from 6k-8k,, id imagine with 6k you can get a great result and be happy
  2. yea u gotta find some pics of you pre ht if you wnt people to comment
  3. it really dosent look bad at all,, you have good hair so everything looks ok,, but if you wanna jump on some low dosage of propecia,, that would also be a good idea
  4. where were the old 300 grafts placed,, the one you got done in italy?
  5. wait so your 20 and he said you didnt have enuf donor have poor donor hair,, could you please post pics of your hair and donor area i would really appreciate it
  6. i took propecia a few years back and had neck pain,, started again last month and the neck pain came back, so i stopped for a week and during that week it got better and better every day, i took 1/3 of a pill yesterday and the neck pain is back full forced, its like a stiff neck feeling anybody have any idea what this could be, i researched this and it seems its a very uncommon side effect
  7. scalp micro pigmentation, its a special tattoo special needle special ink, its basically tattooing little dots into thinning areas giving the illusion of density, it lasts about 2 years give or take , something i will look into down the line for thinning areas and to camouflage the scar
  8. i wish you luck my friend, i will be at dr fellers office in april, but just one thing,, aren't you afraid that you will use up all your donor supply in the crown then down the line you might need some for the front? if i was in your shoes, witch i wish i was because your hair loss isnt bad at all,, i would do smp and save the grafts, either way good luck
  9. u are a great candidate for smp, it will save you,, please let us know if you end up getting it, i suspect i will have the same prob as you and am ready for the smp
  10. Dr feller,, what do you think about use ing beard hair? Later ofcource
  11. Wow really they suggested that? Well idk I feel that your hairline should be where it is at now, any further back and I wouldent be happy, I would sacrifice some of the hair that must go into the crown and keep your hairline where it is now , if you keep your hair line where it is and use 4k grafts I think you could do the front and mid scalp and that's it,, no crown IMO but then Again who am I
  12. Lol that's so funny they told be the same thing, 4000 with FUT then you can get another 1000 with FUE , while I'm no expert if 2 docs told you you can get 4k then I'd assume you would get slightly over that, not including fue at a later time ,
  13. Idk your donor dosent seem very bad from the pic,, well the approach I'm taking is putting in around 5000 head grafts in the front and mod scalp then gonna fill the crown with beard hair and cheat hair and after that I will do some scalp micro pigmentation , I would say u have lots of hope for the future don't worry, the beard hair will save you although it's not exactlly like head hair it's good for crown coverage and in combination with SMP you will get a good result
  14. I am 25 on the road to Norwood 6 and have poor donor and course hair and loose scalp, lol be4 I say anything I'd like to see some pics
  15. if i were you i would put 2500 up front (maybe a lil more), then next surgery i would hit the crown with 2000 ( pretty big area)
  16. yes 3 months, but if you go in there and start going hard and feel any kind of discomfort or anything like that, it means your not ready
  17. my donor looks just liek yours when cut that close, iv been to 2 elite elite docs in new york, one told me i have 4k and the other 5.5k, so i suggest you go in person,, also i dont think fue is a good idea because the docs told me its to much trama on the hair and they might not survive with the weak hair me n u have,, i think you should maybe have them put as much as possible maybe 3k grafts in the front then fill in the rest useing beard and chest hair for coverage in the back
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