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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. congrats,, man i can just tell yours is gonna look so good, i can tell jus by looking at your native hair, im no expert but still,, i think your gonna be one happy guy this coming xmas
  2. if i was in your shoes i would get it tattooed, i forget the name but they match it to your pigment and hair color and while its not perfect it look soooo much better and its not expensive
  3. basically they dont care if you look thin they wnt that so you have to keep coming back
  4. thanks for the pics, maybe its just in my head but yours dosent seem bad,, mine is more see threw
  5. hey man congrats i think you will be very happy, one thing tho i also was told i have bad donor hair, can you please post a pic of your donor area so i can compare it to mine, thanks so much
  6. i wish my hair looked that good,, im also 25, idk if the doc would do anything with you since ur hair is good and your also 25, but to answer your question maybe 1800 grafts
  7. Wish u found this site be4 u went to bosley, anyway do you have pics?
  8. most people that are destined to be norwood 5-6 wont have a full head of hair, but as long as you have a hairline and some mid scalp coverage you should be happy, its a privilege that we have this technology now we can cheat nature, i mean at least thats how i look at it,, i think what you have now looks pretty good,, maybe one more session of fue and bam, ur not a bald guy
  9. how far are we from hair cloning? i know that nobody really knows but an educated guess,, id say less than 20 years but more than 10
  10. do you think that 0.25 per week is to low, prob wont do much, i started a few days ago and am doing 0.25 every other day, but idk i think its still not enuf, maybe 0.33 every opther day is better, good luck to you
  11. this gives me alot of hope,, looks great cant wait to do mine in april with dr feller, are you on fin?
  12. hey man, post some pics of your hair and donor area
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