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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. how many grafts did you get from both sides? if you remember
  2. Let me rephrase ,, say someone gets 2 strip sergeries , now they got nothing left back there,, would fue from above the ear be a good choice if more is needed ?
  3. i never really see it,, but do people take it from the sides?like above your ear? cuz lets say you have a few surgeries and now the back donor area is depleted,, i think you could prob get close to 1000 grafts (500 from each side) what do you guys think
  4. it would be big help to me if you posted some pics of the scar
  5. so after 10 days you couldn't tell you had any work done? that must be a world record hahahaha
  6. its gonna be noticeable for prob 4 months at least,, and one of the best doctors in ny i would say is dr feller, hell hes among the best in the world,, post some pics
  7. Did you get any side effects from the meds, low sex drive or anything like that?? Also I wouldent mind a bald crown just have hair in the front and some in the middle, that might be more realistic , what do you think
  8. see this guy looks good and he was a norwood 6 and with only 3000 grafts he looks great, people are telling me that with 4000 grafts its not even close to enuf coverage
  9. in your guys opinion, what are my realistic expectations?do you think it will look good now and not so much in the future? i just need to talk to people about this i got noone really to talk to
  10. as long as you have a hairline and some hair in the middle,, even with a bald crown you wont be labeled as bald,, i no dr feller will do a great job im jus scarred to death that this will be a mistake in the futre,, like i said i wouldent mind a hairline and some middle hair and a bald crown,, if feller tomd me that this is possible i would be very happy,, sure wish some other people would chime in here, maybe some people who have had surgery with dr feller? someone who has had a ht? any help would be great
  11. mat i looked at your pics and i see similarities between my hairline and yours,, even tho you are 10 years older than me,, why haven't you done a ht yet?
  12. let me ask you guys a question, is it realistic on a norwood 6ish like i will become to have moderate coverage in the hairline and middle and just have a bald crown? with 4000 grafts ,,i would be fine with that
  13. iv been using rogain for like 5 years, i really dont think it does anything but im scarred to stop using it, but y would the doc say he will do the ht if its not a good idea? i mean if he thought it was a bad idea then wouldn't he tell me
  14. im not on anything at the moment but i would start,, but propecia has alot of bad side effects and it seems that a large amount of people that take it get the side effects, but i would start no prob, what norwood would you consider me to be at the moment
  15. hello my name is john, im getting a ht with dr feller in a month or so, im very worried about what will happen in the future because im sure i will be at least a norwood 6 as my grandfather was, any way the doc told me i have a bad donor area and have about 4000 grafts i can use, spaced out over 2 surgeries, im afraid that i will run out of grafts and my hair will look patchy in the future, im new and will try and post some pics but im not sure if i know how ,,,can anyone see this pic?
  16. tommy your 23? im 24 and going to have 2000 grafts done by dr feller in a month or so in my front, im really nervous about it cuz im young and the doc told me i have a below average donor area, 2000 this time and one more surgery with maybe another 2000, im nervous that i will run out of grafts be4 my head can be covered, i just really dont want to regret it in the future,i think about it all day and night and am having trouble sleeping because of it, if you could show me some pics of how you look be4 and now it would be great, hope you can help me out thanks a million -john
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