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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. its been 3 months now and things seem to be where they should, noticing afew hairs starting to sprout, but i still cant go out without a hat , the scar is still red but its looking pretty good, its 5 mm wide and alot of the shock loss from back there is coming back, my hair is kinda on the long side in these pics i usually like it a bit shorter, tell me what you guys think
  2. i agree that it looks strange, however, its not because of the smp, this person has a naturally weird shaped hairline, very boxy and kinda draws your eyes there
  3. i mean given that you were a norweood 6 and you already had 5200 grafts, maybe another 1500-2000 and you should be completly set, hows ur scar? that was prob a pretty big strip they took
  4. feller is mainly a fut doc, if u wanna see some of his work check out my profile i have some pics
  5. so these 5k beard grafts went into the front and mid and also into your strip scar?
  6. so these 5k beard grafts went into the front and mid and also into your strip scar? i no everyone is gonna say this but i really am very happy for you, you found a way out and it looks very age appropriate, i will be visiting dr umar when i run out of head hair, it will mostley be going into my crown, enjoy the new hair
  7. the hair growth looks great ! but id be pissed with that type of shock loss in the back, i also have some shock loss in the donor scar, im at 3 month,, if its still a prob in a year then id look into smp, that would fix it right up, but in my opinion that shock loss is worth it considering the great gains u maid in the front, congrats
  8. I see,, well how bad is the scar? Have u measured it in mm?
  9. Lucky guy, post ur immediate post op pics and ur 1 month post op pics and I will tell you the truth
  10. Lookin good brotha, and such a small amount of grafts , y so little
  11. i think me n u have similar hair loss and also not very dense donor area, and mine looked kinda like your at 1 month post op, will be tracking your progress,, check out my pics in my profile i will be adding month 3 update in 3 days
  12. Why did you exclude dr feller from your list
  13. Was on it for maybe 5-6 months and was shedding like crazy. Stopped and it was like magic, my hair completely stopped falling out
  14. I couldent work out for 3 months and lost 8 lbs, but it was prob all muscle
  15. mat,, would you say you noticed the biggest change from month 3 to month 4?
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