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Everything posted by jimbob1966

  1. here was my story by the way, i'm surprised to see it's been viewed 142k times now lol https://www.baldtruthtalk.com/threads/7390-Is-my-hair-transplant-any-good?highlight=
  2. I read threw your posts and I relate to everything you said, it's been exactly the same for me. I declined the free top up also, what are your plans for the future, will you have another HT? I think if they can clone some extracted hair and do it that way in the future I would much prefer that as they over harvested behind my ears also, I remember the Dr came in (who I thought would actually bother to perform the surgey) and said to the women something in Turkish and they had a few heated words, it was about the over harvesting. I found the whole process quite an ordeal that's why I haven't bothered with a 2nd HT, I really do need it though. I've been struggling with Finasteride sides, so i'm currently not taking anything, which isn't really compatible with HT's, so i'm at a crossroads of giving up on saving hair or continue to tolerate the side effects.
  3. Hi Andalus, It was the same for me when I had surgery, how was your growth? have you had anymore transplants since? Been on Fin? what's your Norwood scale? cheers
  4. I have lost a little bit of my own hair but the fue hairline is clearly seperate and contains around 200 wirey hairs maximum from a 2,500 fue procedure which looks terrible. There’s no point sending info as I wouldn’t pay to return seeming the first attempt was so bad, unless you’d like to send me a partial refund for the failed procedure? Just an honest account of my experience.
  5. I didn’t know they were middlemen actually, i could probably find the address if I went threw old emails I was surposed to be with one dr but a young lady did it instead, think she was more involved with beauty then hair really.
  6. Hi, sorry to hear about your surgery not going well, what happened? i had 2,500 fue in 2011, you can see my previous post for details, out of the transplanted hairs I’d say I have about 150-200 that grew, over the years I’ve been on and off fin, so have been able to disguise the sparse hair near the hairline with styling etc, but it does look strange, I’m holding out to see if any new miracle cure comes out in the next few years, if not then I’ll probably have to go for another 1-2 ops, I would probably go to Belgium instead this time.
  7. Hi guys, I had a hair transplant with Longevita in January 2012, I am really disappointed with the results, you can view my full results under the following week, I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post a link to another forum on here, as i've only just joined here to alert people of my experience. (Promotional link removed) I have reported my concern with Longevita, and they have offered corrective surgery free of charge, but I am not prepared to pay for flights and accomodation, and risk losing more donor hair for a poor low yielding result, if they couldn't get it right the first time, why give them a second chance. Anyway, I intend to wait the full 18 months for the full cosmetic result of this transplant, which will be July/August 2013 before taking any action. I have had opinions from forum members and representatives of other clinics and they all sugguest that i have received considerably less than the 2,400 FUE that i paid for. In a way it is for the best, as they haven't wasted less of my donor area. So poor results, overharvesting on one side as I have to comb over to look like i have adequate coverage by my ear, procedure WASN'T performed by Dr Enis Keskin as promised, Instead by a younger inexperienced girl who has left me with sparse wirey hair. I have asked longevita and my patient representative at the time, who was the surgery performed by and haven't got a response. I have documented evidence of all e-mails, skype call with surgeon, and lots of pictures, It is might intention to seek compensation or some kind of refund on the basis of... Transplant not as promised, results speak for themselves Procedure not performed by Dr Enis Keskin Overharvesting of certain areas that has left me patchy on the side Emotional distress. Skintaj... are you going to take action?
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