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    Jon Davidman
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  • Have you Ever Had a Hair Transplant?

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  1. If you can shave it off and you think it will look good then listen to Sam. I personally use concealer every day, because the thought of me shaving my head scares me. I always tell myself unless I am super tan and work out and am in shape then I can't shave my head. But this is my personal stigma. I think it would look good on me if i was in tip top shape and not average as i am. I feel like i am that typical bald out of shape white guy who is 40, lol. I also want to get a hair transplant and think about it every day but I am more worried to have it botched and not look 100% natural. With the fibers at least for me it looks the most natural. My last resort would be to shave it all off. I guess once i start having to comb over then i know thats my time to shave my head. So for now its thinking about hair transplants but using concealers.
  2. I have never heard of anyone inhaling the fibers. That can't be a good thing. If you have any irritations at all i would immediately stop and consult a physician. Your appearance is not worth physical health. With that said, I understand the need to "not look bald" I also wear fibers almost every day. 1) never heard of this type of problem. I wonder if you would have the same result using another brand? although I don't see how that would make a difference. 2) Other than Kerafiber.com and other concealers that are fiber based, there is a company called dermmatch.com you can take a look at that product and see if that type of concealer works better for you.
  3. I actually own a company called KeraFiber We make our own fiber product similar to toppik. I did not promote it in this link earlier as I just wanted to answer your question honestly without offering our product as a solution, as what i suggested should normally help. If you try our fibers and the same thing happens you can return them for 100% of your money back. We only want satisfied customers. The reason I started KeraFiber was because i tried other brands and although they looked great on friends (who also used fibers such as toppik and Caboki) when i used the same fibers on my hair the results looked similar to yours. Our fibers are made of different materials and are cut differently which on my hair looks as natural and realistic as possible. Not everyone has the same results but I formulated our product for my own personal needs. I would be interested to know how our fibers look on you. If you have the same results as Toppik and you followed my advice in my last post then unfortunately hair concealers won't work for you. Good luck and hopefully you get better results!
  4. Brian, I think you can see it on your scalp, because you know its there. My assumption is 99.9% of people who look at you will NOT notice anything. I have the same issues sometimes. Try holding the fibers further away from your scalp and put on less at a time, and pat GENTLY, without combing in.
  5. My name is Jon Davidman and I own a company called KeraFiber. I would like to offer everyone in this forum $5.00 off coupon + free shipping (when checking out use coupon code TRYUS, it expires may 30, 2013) We also offer 100% money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with the results or happy for any reason. I started KeraFiber with a passion to provide customers with the highest quality hair products for people like me with thin and balding hair. Since the age of 30 my hair quickly started to thin. Everyday I would look myself in the mirror and try to conceal my thinning areas. I have tried almost every possible way to re-grow my hair. I have taken Rogaine and Propecia only to be a non-responder, and have had certain side effects from these drugs. I have taken every pill, tried almost every hair product, and tried every natural approach. My biggest concern with hair products and hair transplant surgery is I would rather have no hair than the embarrassment of a bad transplant or a negative side effect of a pill. A few years ago, a close friend of mine who had very thin hair showed me a product he was using. It was amazing. It totally concealed his thinning and balding scalp. But once I tried this same product on my hair it didn’t look as good. So I spent the next two years developing a product with ingredients that looked good on my hair, using similar concepts that my friends’ product was made from. What was developed was KeraFiber. Made from Natural Keratin, the same protein hair is made from; KeraFiber fibers naturally conceal thinning and balding areas of your head to give you the most realistic and natural looking head of hair. Our products works perfect for both men and women. My mother who has very thin hair uses KeraFiber daily. Never have I seen her more confident and happy to look in a mirror and feel years younger. She loves to tell her friends that her son invented the fountain of youth. I stand behind all of our KeraFiber products. If you are not 100% satisfied with your KeraFiber hair fiber products, you can return your order within 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked.
  6. If I put concealer in front, I notice that it is in, and I am my biggest critic. We can't all have 100% full head of hair, but I am very happy if I can conceal 85-90% of my thin hair. And I do that. Unfortunately since you and I have similar hair types this is the best we can do. If you decide to try our products upon check out use coupon code KERAFORUM for $5.00 off. Also if it doesn't look good on your hair feel free to return for a full money back guarantee. I just hope you regain your confidence and that our product makes you feel happier. In regards to your lab coat, fibers should not just come off on it. I would suggest to use a fiber hold spray or any hair spray if that is an issue for you. Sometimes I don't use a spray but I also don't see fibers falling off and causing me embarassing moments.
  7. My name is Jon Davidman and I own a hair concealer company called (promotional site removed). I can answer some of your questions regarding hair concealers. Locking mists are not totally necessary, meaning you can use hair fibers without any spray. The spray does work and holds the fibers in place better. Otherwise without it the fibers do stay in place but do not bond as good as with the spray. You can also use regular hair spray and it should do the trick, but at least with KeraFiber we have active ingredients that adhere the fibers to your hair better than normal spray. If you purchase our spray and try it against regular hair spray and don't see a difference you can return it for 100% refund no questions asked. I also created KeraFiber hair fibers because although I have tried almost every other hair concealer, and all did what they promised, none really looked 100% natural on my head. KeraFiber on my head looks the best in terms of natural looking, color match, and lightness of the fibers. Keep in mind not everyone hair and scalp and color are the same. We offer a high end fiber product that looks the most natural. We would love some honest feedback on our products and do offer a no questions 100% money back guarantee so if anyone thought to try a hair fiber product, here is your chance. Our black is black and looks perfect against black hair. Some people also think they need black when in reality dark brown suits their hair color match better.
  8. My name is Jon Davidman and I own a company called KeraFiber We are a hair product company who markets our own hair concealers. I read your post and looked at your photos. You and I have similar hair. The issue you and I have is applying hair concealer to the front of the head while making it looks natural. What I personally do is put the fibers in from back to front and in the way up front I do not add the fibers. If you have fibers too far up front it will look like you have concealer in (with your type of hair). If anyone tells you differently they are lying. But you do have enough hair to conceal the top and back of your hair and for your hair to look full. As you mentioned there are other products such as Toppik. I created KeraFiber because other brands such as Toppik, although did what they promised, just didn't look 100% on my head. So I created KeraFiber with ingredients and thinner fibers so it would look more natural on my hair. If you or anyone tries KeraFiber and are not 100% satisfied you can return it for 100% money back. We want you to look and feel good and if you don't all you have to do is return the product. I wish you luck and hope I helped answer your question
  9. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.

    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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